
Guardianship of a newborn?

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I think my husband and I are going to try guardianship of a newborn before adoption just to make sure this is what the biological parents really want. My question is Can we take the baby home from the hospital ? Also, how long does the biological mother have to wait to sign guardianship papers? SOcial services are not involved, the biological parents just can't afford to take care of the new baby - so not sure of exactly how it all works




  1. This would depend on local laws etc, but I have friends who took guardianship of a newborn in New Zealand, and they just took the baby home from the hospital, and no one questioned it in any way. They looked after the child for around 6 months before they even became legal guardians.

  2. You absolutely need to consult with a lawyer about this as soon as possible.  They will handle everything for you.

  3. You really need to get yourself a lawyer to inform you of your rights and the birth mothers rights.

  4. You really need to talk to an adoption attorney and have them assist you with this.  That way you are covered, and nothing can come back later.  I don't know what kind of answers you are going to get here, but I am sure half will say one thing, and the other half will contradict that.

  5. You asked this same question days ago and you got some real good answers.

  6. Didn't you just ask a similar question?  You need to get a lawyer now before the baby is born.  The judge has to rule before the baby is born or the baby stays in hospital until s/he does rule.

  7. There is nothing wrong with being a guardian, but in my opinion, I think you should just straight up adopt the baby. I know that in the state that I live in, it cost just as much to become a legal guardian vs. adoption.

    It will also give you that security that after the legal amount of time the biological parents can't come and take the baby back.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Either contact a lawyer to work out the details or your local Probate Court to see about the process and all.

    I hope it all goes super well!

  9. d**n..i have no idea..but good luck with your new family!

  10. have a lawyer represent you and your husband in this. Or else you will end up regretting. Good luck

  11. You need to speak with an adoption attorney or a reputable adoption agency to insure that all of the correct paperwork is completed.  Each state has their own rules and regulations, especially with regards to how long a bio-parent has to change their mind.  It is also dependent on the age of the child.  Since our son was six months old when the adoption papers were signed, the state of NJ considered it irrevocable by the birth parents as soon as the paperwork was signed.  

    It is important to remember that Adoption is a legal process and is highly regulated.  It's worth the money to consult with an attorney to make sure that everything is processed correctly.  

    Good luck to you.

  12. the guardianship can be done immediatley but you really have to think this over we have a little one right now that we had from 10 days until 14 months adn then mom decided she wanted him back.  it broke our hearts because just before she took him back her mom called and said she was ready to let us adopt.  for a few weeks the first month he was with her most of the time then he started being with us again and now he is with us allmost all of the time but mom gets welfare money for him and foodstamps etc.  and we have him......  I dont know if mom really wanted him or just wanted to have the money.  but right now we wish we had adopted from the start...

    good luck


  13. sorry I dont know, but will read the answer of  others

  14. Laws are different in each state. Get off YA and make an appointment with an adoption attorney.

  15. Definately call an attorney who deals with family law that will help you a lot you may need to hire one to be sure you and your husband dont get screwed over

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