
Guarding my heart against my best friend?

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I am really close to this friend of mine. He introduced me to church and changed my life in so many ways. I was raised Atheist and nearly committed suicide before he came into my life and introduced me to Christianity. He stepped in when he suspected I was being beat at home during high school, too. He knows most of my insecurities and I even confided in him when I had a miscarriage in June. He is truly a great guy and he has been there for me nonstop. At the end of my senior year, he wrote in my yearbook that he was so happy that he invited me to his church and that he saw God moving in me. Since we graduated, we have kept in contact and we still confide in each other.

However, I have been trying to keep my distance lately because I am scared to death that I might be falling for this guy. He is a great guy and will make some girl immensely happy someday. But we live about an hour from each other since we went to college and I don't think he has the same feelings I'm developing for him. He hasn't said he doesn't feel the same way, but I'm scared of messing up our friendship if I tell him and he doesn't have those feelings.

Can someone give me some advice?




  1. I don't think he don't have any feeling for you..

    You see.. he came in your life and always be there for you :)

  2. well congratz on christianism. im christian too so yea.. anyway. do  wat ur more comfortable with. lol just for laughs, read this southpark quote

    Chef's dad: Say, would you crackers like to hear about the time we saw the Loch Ness monster?

    Stan: No, that's okay.

    Chef's dad: Ooh, it must've been about seven, eight years ago. Me and the little lady was out on this boat, you see, all alone at night, when all of a sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the paleolithic era, comes out of the water.

    Chef's mom: We was so scared, Lord have mercy, I jumped up in the boat and I said "Thomas, what on earth is that creature?!"

    Thomas: It stood above us looking down with these big red eyes,-

    Chef's mom: Oh, it was so scary!

    Thomas: -and I yelled. I said, "What do you want from us, monster?!" And the monster bent down and said, "…Uh I need about tree-fitty."

    Kyle: What's tree-fitty?

    Thomas: Three dollars and fifty cents.

    Chef's mom: Tree-fitty.

    Stan: He wanted money?

    Thomas: That's right. I said "I ain't giving you no tree-fitty you d**n Loch Ness monster! Get your own d**n money!"

    Chef's mom: I gave him a dollar.

    Thomas: She gave him a dollar.

    Chef's mom: I thought he'd go away if I gave him a dollar.

    Thomas: Well of course he's not gonna go away, Nellie! You gave him a dollar, he's gonna assume you got more!

    Thomas: I said, "Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no tree-fitty!" It said, "how about just two-fitty?" I said, "Oh, now it's only two-fitty!! What?! Is there a sale on Loch Ness munchies or something?!"

    Nellie: Lord, he was angry.

    Thomas: d**n right, I was angry!

    Nellie: Not you, the monster. He was about to kick your ***.

    Thomas: Aah, shut your mouth, woman!

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