
Guess my rugby position for 10 points?

by Guest58834  |  earlier

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i am 14 about 5'11 12.5 stone faster than my outhalf and fulback and all front row have good handling skills and can put a guy on his *** in the tackle




  1. i'm guessing you like it doggy style

  2. idk 8 man

  3. inside centre

  4. Probably Centre or number eight since you're pretty big for your age. I can play both those positions and love playing both. You could possibly be a winger since you've got the right build and you're fast. My friend plays semi-professional rugby for King Country as a wing/fullback and he's about your size.

  5. Loosie. Probably a break away.

  6. you either play flanker or hooker.  I played scrum (but I'm short) so I'm going to guess that you don't play that position.  (I can still put somebody on their *** though lol no matter how big they are)

  7. I'd say the third row would suit ya better.Or if you are strong and fast maybe as a center.

  8. wing

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