
Guess my starsign?: Loyal. Picky. Critical. Really care about my looks. Caring. Jealous. Overthinker. Cold (if you don't know me VERY well). Seem calm and tidy on the outside. Ambitious. Don't handle stress well.

by Guest58680  |  7 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Guess my starsign?: Loyal. Picky. Critical. Really care about my looks. Caring. Jealous. Overthinker. Cold (if you don't know me VERY well). Seem calm and tidy on the outside. Ambitious. Don't handle stress well.

 Tags: Ambitious, calm, care, Caring, cold, Critical, dont, guess, handle, jealous, looks, loyal, outside, Overthinker, Picky, starsign, stress, tidy

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