
Guess what star sign I am?

by  |  earlier

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Extremely social


(apparently) flirty

Hate anything injust or unfair

BEAutiful to look at (I know I know, the modesty lol)

Very chatty

Get bored easily

Reliable and gives good advice to those who need it





  1. Aquarius???

  2. Everyone is a combination of several aspects, not just their Sun sign.  If that were the case, there would only be 12 distinct personalities on the planet!  Much depends on which houses the signs are in, your Ascendant, your Moon, etc.  There's no way of really knowing what your Sun sign is based on what you've said, but if I were to guess, I'd say Gemini.  These are only VERY broad generalisations, though.

    Extremely social:  Geminis are very social, but so are Leos and Sags.

    Funny:  Again, Geminis can be funny, but so can Leos...well, Leos can be entertaining.  Then again, I've known Pisces who are hysterical.

    Flirty: Gemini is stereotyped for this.

    Hating injustice: Well, every person in every sign *should* cultivate this trait, but Libra is all about balance

    Beauty: Genetics...nothing to do with astrology.  But the "fun" aspect of showing off is a common Leo trait.

    Chatty: Gotta be Gemini...the Communicators of the Zodiac!

    Bored easily: Also a Gemini trait.

    Reliable:  Perhaps Libra again, or maybe even Taurus.

    Giving good advice:  That could be Pisces.  They're natural empaths and can be very much in tune with people they're close to.  Hard to say.

    But you could have a strong Gemini rising (as opposed to Sun sign) and still exhibit many of these traits.  My son is Pisces with Gemini rising and often acts and behaves more like a Gemini than a Pisces.  But from the specific traits you've picked out (and why did you choose those in particular?), I'll go with Gemini.

  3. Virgo.....I'll take 5 stars

  4. Gemini!

  5. Gemini's talk a lot

  6. this was tough. I narrowed it down to either Saggatarius, Leo, or Gemini but Im leaning more towards Saggatarius. am I right??

    edit: actually as I thought about it, I think only a Gemini would post a question like this one, can I change my answer?

  7. scorpio??

  8. Bored Star

  9. gemeni!!!!!!!!!

  10. libra or aries

  11. Libra =)

  12. Libra

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