
Guests brought wine months ago, they are over again, is it rude to serve the same bottle of wine?

by  |  earlier

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The bottle wasn't opened...




  1. No not at all

  2. They don't have to know it's the same bottle...I would serve it and not say where it came from.  If they mention that it's the same kind just say yes, that's why we got it.

  3. No it's not rude.. I would bring out the bottle of wine and say.. ''sorry we haven't had an occasion to taste your wine since you last came here.. but your visit today is an occasion that merits to open this bottle finally and sample your wine....'' nobody would take offense to that... xx

  4. umm....why do you consider that rude? its not like they're going to think "omg! thats the same bottle of wine we gave! how rude!" its a special occasion, and i think i would feel special that you would save it for when i would come over. trust me, they won't have their feelings hurt lol. actually, i think it sounds nice. i'd like that if i were the guest, unless its some cheapy wine that i would never drink, them maybe hopefully they gave you some good wine! have fun!

  5. Not at all!  Simply serve it as if you had purchased the wine, afterall, how can they know that exact bottle is the one THEY gave you months ago?

    Have a polite day.

  6. Nope, i dont think so!

    i'd just tell them that i was saving the wine for a special occasion or that you were waiting to share it with them. they'll appreciate the thoughtfulness.

  7. Not at all.  Tell them you were saving it for a special occasion.

  8. should age!

  9. No, that's fine. If they bought it, you can assume it's one they like. If they notice & ask you anything, that will likely be about what you would have preferred instead, so they know what your tastes are on any future visit.

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