
Guests from different Time Zones?

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I have a question and want to get some opinions. I have a lovely guest in my home, and she is from a different time zone. I wonder what it is that people are supposed when hosting guests from different time zones.

Am I supposed to stay up very late with her? Am I to encourage to acclimate to our time zone. She has asked me to take her out very late at night the past two nights. And I have children and have had them up very late at night.

Im exhausted and usually go to bed pretty early (9-10pm my time) and Ive been up very late the past couple of nights. When I did finally have to go to bed, I set her up with movies, books and she has her computer.

What can I do to help a out of town/time guests feel comfortable, but still be able to function myself?





  1. How long is your guest staying with you? If it's just a few nights, then I think it entirely appropriate for you to stay up with her and keep her company as long as you can, and then provide her with space and activities to entertain herself when you go to bed.

    However, if she is staying at your home for several weeks (as people who have traveled from the other side of the world might), she needs to start adjusting to the time difference. Try suggesting that she, the kids, and you all go to the zoo in the morning, and offer to get her up for breakfast around 9. Then, maybe midnight or so, comment that if you're all getting up to go to the zoo, she'd better get some sleep tonight. Then leave her alone to her thing.

    If she is indeed staying for some time, she will adjust to the time difference soon. What may not change, however, is her lifestyle. If it's normal for her, either due to her culture or personal preference, to "go out" late at night, that desire is probably not going to just go away. If she still is asking you to take her out on the town next week, speak to her gently and politely about your need to be with the kids, and then offer to hook her up with (child-free?) friends of yours whom you know go out at night. That way, you get your sleep, she gets to go see the city, and maybe she makes some new friends, too!

  2. They should accommodate to the new time zone.  When we went to England, we took ambien on the plane and slept somewhat going over.  We arrived there, their time being around 9:00 a.m., which was equivalent of 1:00 a.m., our time.  It only took about a day for us to be on their schedule.  Sounds like your "lovely" guest needs a lesson in etiquette.  What she is expecting from you is not very gracious.

  3. She needs to either adjust to your life or sit up alone!

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