
Guide me all the married people here, plz

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I am a shy kind of a would-be bride and I assume that I'll find it difficult to interact with my hubby on our wedding night, thus he might lost interest and find it a turn off.. what should I do?

What advice you have to make a married life stable and smooth.





  1. LOL stable and smooth doesn't have anything to do with the wedding night.  Most guys find shyness in the bedroom to be a turn on.  Kinda Marco Polo complex if you will.

    You have kissed and done other things right?  You just keep going from there.  Is he as inexperienced as you?  If not, he'll take charge.  Just trust him no matter what he suggests.

    Depending on the time of your wedding you may not get to it.  My husband and I didn't get in from our wedding until 2 am.  We had a flight to wake up for at 6.  I was so exhausted I crashed as soon as I hit the bed.

    If you are comfortable with him, things will just happen.

    Advice to have a smooth and stable married life, wake up each morning and think What can I do to make my partner happy today?  What's something I can do just to make him smile?  And ask yourself each night, was I fun to live with today?

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