
Guild Wars: Black Dye Farming?

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i kno that there is no specific place or monster that i can farm black dye off of, but is there a place that i might have a luckier chance?

right now im farming for black dye in ascalon, is this a good place?




  1. Black dye has about a 0.2% of dropping from anything you kill, that percentage is not increased by going into hardmode, but it will be decreased by killing lower level enemy's. To explain the game specifics a bit: First there will be a diceroll, having about a chance of 1 in 40 for a dye to drop, next a nother dice will be rolled to assign the color of the dye. For a  black die you would need a 75 on 75 sided dice. So the chances are almost everywhere thesame.
    I would advice you going into the gates of kryta mission and turning left as soon as you can, There is a known undead farm there. If you repeat that in normal mode you will have high chances of dye drops. with the ocational black dye ofcourse.

    Good luck, Flame The Burning.

  2. i would go to lion arch to it helps me aloit i need 100k for tormented hammer

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