
Guilty or not guilty?

by  |  earlier

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I was issued a ticket for driving with a learner's permit but here's the problem. I had somebody in the car with me who was 21 and has a license for almost two years. The only problem is, he didn't change his provision license to regular license on the day we got pulled over which he later changed the following morning. I am going to court and was wondering whether to plead guilty or not guilty.




  1. Sorry to ask, but what is a provision license? email me with answer please., perhaps then I can answer your question. Also, what state are you in?

  2. go not guilty and take your friend with you to court. this is minor so the judge will reduce charges if not drop them all together, if the cop even shows up to court

  3. Plead no guilty and have your friend with you with his license too so he can show the judge.

  4. Plead guilty, this is just a simple mistake and the judge will see that, and dress nice.
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