
Guinea Pig, Hamster, or Gerbil? Which?

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I had a Guinea pig as a kid, We had a hamster recently for the last 3 yrs for my kids. So I already have a nice hamster cage. What are some pros and cons of all these rodents? Im sure Id need to get the guinea pig a bigger cage than what I have. Wanting something that can still come out in play, We had a ball for our last hamster.




  1. I recommend getting a hamster because they are easy to take care of and they love to play. Also, they are very nice and rarely bite. But the con is that they live up to 3 yrs. max so if you want an animal that lives for a longer time, I suggest getting a guinea pig. Also, If you get a guinea pig or a gertbil, you will have to buy bigger cages and more food because they eat more. But the pro is that they are easier to find if they get lost because they are bigger. All of them are very kind rodents. I recommend getting ahamster, just a thought.

    I hope this helps and have a fun time taking care of the animal you choose!  

  2. i suggest a guinea pig...they love to be played with and will patiently sit in your lap and be pet while you play computer or watch mom had only one and said it was perfectly happily alone actually she had 3 that never had buddies...i know it was wrong but oh well that was when they didn't know guinea pigs could be lethargic without buddies [i am trying to get 2]Gerbils also need buddies but are more like hamsters in the sense that they are kind of hyper...i think you should try something other than a hamster again...i strongly suggest guinea pigs but they can't play in a ball cause of their spines or a wheel... good luck and happy pet hunting!!

  3. HAMSTER OR A GUINNA PIG!!!! THEY R' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. I would suggest a piggy! They live a lot longer than hamsters or gerbals and they dont smell as bad (if you use the right kind of bedding) and they don't always try to get away from you when you take them out to play. (my piggy likes to snuggle when we watch TV) And they don't bite. Thats my opinion.  

  5. I say guinea pigs They LOVE attention. They're really really cute and they do the funniest things I have two guinea pigs and they are really fun but they're high in maintenance, they're really expensive and time consuming and you will have to get two so (s)he will have a friend, if you want some thing low maintenance get a Hammster. If you're interested in guinea pigs get one from a shelter or a rescue. AND Visit these two sites for more  informatoin: and   ,By the way guinea pigs only live 4-8 years maybe more and you can teach guinea pigs tricks too. I taught mine how to leap like a bunny and jump up the stairs he's really entertaning guinea pigs range in sizes they can be 4-12 inches and they bond with their owner(s) very quickly, Hamsters sleep during the day while guinea pigs sleep a little at night and a little during the day so guinea pigs are funner and more lively.

  6. Hamsters are nice, don't bite if you take good care of them and are low maintenance.... GET A HAMMIE

  7. Guinea Pigs live longer, are generally more friendly, and they even talk (squeal).  Hamsters and gerbils are great too, but I would say to go with the guinea pig.

  8. Hamsters are the best of rodents, because they are perfect playmates, and aren't speedy like gerbils, and not big like guinea pigs. Hamsters live 2-4 years, while gerbils live short lives, 1-2 years. And you'll have to live with a guinea pig for over 10 years! Hamsters like using balls, and they are cuddly, and love to be held. Hamsters like getting their hair brushed too. All rodents smell the same, except for the larger ones. Guinea pigs can't be potty trained, I read that they are pretty dumb when it comes to learning tricks. Hamsters can learn several fun tricks. Hope this helped! Good luck! ^-^

  9. they all smell.

    they're all pretty much very similiar.

    guinea pigs are expensive to start up.

    hamsters and gerbils require a more maintenance because of their uncontrollable bladders mixed with high metabolism.

    get a gerbil.

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