
Guinea Pig Diet.. Please Help!?

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My guinea pig, Jamie, is overweight. What kind of diet should I put her on? Please be specific, use cups, or tablespoons in your answers. The best answer gets 10 points.




  1. there is diet info here

    Unlimited grass hay and a cup of dark leafy veggies daily. Limit the pellets - plain high quality ones fortified with vit c. No seeds, nuts or colored bits. No pet store junk treats.

    And a big cage and lots of floor time  

  2. Just like humans, some piggies have larger body structure than others. That doesn't necessarily mean that your piggie is *overweight*. I have several sows that are 3lbs. and would not consider them overweight!

    I would NOT put a guinea pig on a diet. The closest thing to a diet for a guinea pig would be to limit fruits.

    All guinea pigs need unlimited access to Timothy hay, one cup of fresh green veggies each day, and 1/4 cup of high quality pellets every day.

    Be sure you're letting your piggie out at least an hour each day for floortime so she can get some exercise.

    Is Jamie an only piggie? If yes, you should seriously consider getting her a same s*x friend from a local shelter or guinea pig rescue. This would greatly increase her exercise, since piggies love to play and chase each other.

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