
Guinea Pig acting weird?

by  |  earlier

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my guinea pigs been acting strange the past few days...

first of all, and i know guinea pigs aren't really an animal that can be trained well, but i could set him down anywhere from about 20 feet away from his cage, even with walls block a direct route, and he'd quickly find it and go in it...

but the past 2 or 3 days, i set him down, and he'll sorta run up near his cage, pause, and then like hes debating or something, runs under my bed...which isnt a big problem cuz i can get him out pretty fast...

second, today, i took him and his brother outside, and ill bring them outside a lot, like everytime we eat dinner outside ill pick some grass and theyll eat together, but now instead of just purring a little bit and walking around, h**l start showing his dominance...which ive never really seen him do except the fighting that happened when i first got them...and if i take him away for like 5 mins, and set him back down near his bro, he'll show dominance again...

so both of these aren't really normal...theyre brothers, see each other often, theyre almost 6 months old, and ive had them since they were one month...

my pig doesnt show any other weird signs, physically, and he pretty much acts the same any other time like in his cage...why is he suddenly acting so different? ive given him the same amnt of attention and everythings been the same...




  1. It sounds like they've reached maturity. One pig is trying to become the dominant pig. This shouldn't be a problem as long as the other one is submissive. They may end up having fights or it may be resolved quickly. Generally if there is not blood drawn (or not significant amounts) then you should allow them to decide who is boss.

    You can try and help them along by re-bonding them if it gets bad. It would be similar to what you would do if you only had one pig and were trying to introduce a second. Search this page for the introductions and to better understand their noises and actions: .

    It may happen that these two pigs will never get along together, even if they are brothers, it's all about personalities. If that happens you may have to find them each another new friend to keep them happy and socialized. But definitely try bonding them again first!

  2. he is hormonal and animals act very strange when they are going through sexual maturity

  3. They act differently when they are old enough to mate. All animals do.

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