
Guinea Pig - fatty, lump on back - what is it?

by  |  earlier

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my sons guinea pig has a fatty lump on the middle of his lower back, it sticks out and is soft, he doesn't squeel when touched - but dont want to prode too much.

It's the size of 10p piece but oval -ish.

Would like to know what it is and what I should do about it.






  1. well i have a pet rat

    and he has one on his chin

    and it turned out to be a simple absses.

    however you spell that :/

    i put neosporin on it and kept an eye on it.

    and eventually it popped.

    and heeled ok.

    Even tho be licked off the medicine,

    it seems to have helped him.

    Hope i helped :D

  2. Ahh. Prob a cyst. 2 of my piggies have them, and are booked for their ops. basicaly, you could leave it, and wait for it to pop, but it might get infected, or it might not. the sooner you get it removed, the better. imagine, where the cyst is, yousadly, one of my cysty piggies have gone bald! :-( (see my  have to cut an oval shape around it. the bigger the cyst gets, the bigger the cut has to be to remove it. get it removed sooner than later!

    the cost?? almost £100 altogether for my pigs =]

    not as bad as £300!

    Q...) and her cyst has gone very squishy (it WAS hard...)

  3. You should probably call the vet.

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