
Guinea Pig help?

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I have a girl Guinea pig and she lived by her self all her life, if i got a big enough cage could i add another guinea pig to it?




  1. Sure

  2. Yes.  But if you put a male in there they might mate, but you can also put another female in.

  3. Yes, there are some helpful links here


  4. If you do get another be cautious for the first few days in case they fight. I find that if they didn't grow up together they get territorial and attack. Also, check yourself that it is female or neutered unless you definitely want pups.

  5. Yes you could i see how it goes because i have male and once you have got one you can't add another but with females you can.

  6. yes. guinea pigs are solitary animals so you can add another one to keep it company.

  7. yeah, you probably should.

    Its kinda lonely being all by yourself, get her someone to play with. :)

  8. yes but it would have to be a baby guinea pig
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