Okay, I have a female guinea pig and she's almost a year old. She's doing this weird thing with her mouth. (it is NOT her chewing on something, eating her poo, or grinding her teeth, it's different).
It's like she shwishes her mouth from side to side or like she's "chewing" on air... When she does it her mouth sticks out flat (it's kinda hard to describe..) and it moves around as if she was gnawing on something (and she has things in her cage to gnaw on so it's not that she doesn't have something to gnaw).
(It's kinda like when a person looses a tooth and they keep moving their tougne into the hole and puffing or moving their cheeks/mouth around)
It;s rly weird, she never did that before and just started a few days ago... like theirs something sticky in her mouth or a cut and her ceeks go out (I checked her mouth thers nothing wrong with it?)
She does it just a few times a day.
Anyone know what she's doing???