
Guinea Pig tweeting like a bird?

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I own 9 Guinea Pigs in total. One of which is a female baby whom is deaf and blind but lovley natured. When i was feeding her the other day i heard a tweeting noise which i thought was a bird, it got louder and louder until i realised it was coming from this female Guinea Pig, Holly.

She had no reason to be stressed and i have read on the internet that it is normally when they are happy. Only doubt is is that she is more likely to have mental problems with her illness.

Has anyone got any ideas to what this sound could have meaning to?




  1. I have two guinea pigs, Gracen and Stella.  Stella did this one time and I researched it in a guinea pig book I have.  It's called chirping and it's just a trance they get into and it should not last too long.  Not very many do it, so...... Guess we are lucky!!!! =]

  2. It could be chirping a rare sound that guinea pigs make.. or it could be just a high squeck. If nothing was going on when she was making the noise like fighting or anything like that then its totally normal. The only noise you should be concerned about is hooting (heart problem) or when she sounds congested. Your guinea pig is fine.. check this website to find out what noise your guinea pig was making

  3. All of the Guinea Pigs I have ever known whistle like that from time to time. They were never stressed, just having a good time. If it's the first time you have heard it, it may be an old sound that is new because of the length of the teeth. I would just check her teeth to make sure they are not overgrown but I wouldn't worry about it.

  4. Guinea pigs sing or chirp like that when they are really, really, happy. Some cavies do it more than others, and some never do it at all, but it just means that, for some reason, she was ecstatic! :D

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