
Guinea Pigs Help!!!?

by Guest62187  |  earlier

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i got a new guinea pig a while ago and the old one whenever the new one trys to go in a hiding place attackers her how can i stop this and dont say did you introduce them correctly did you clean out the cage because YES I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Guinea pigs, like humans, don't always get along.  They're working out their pecking order.  If the old piggy keeps harassing the young one and tries to hurt it, you may have to invest in a separate cage.

  2. yup

  3. Mabye give them each their own " house" in the cage. Depending on how big your cage is, and on the size of the house you may already have in it- you may halfto build another house entirely but if the house you already have is big just ad a wood devider in the middle of it so they each have their own separate bay. I would just make sure if the old one goes after the younger he has enough room to escape from its attacker. but if you feel it best for their safety put them in separate cages or put mesh in the middle of the cage so they still have their own "cage" but can still see eachother. Good Luck!

  4. 10.5 by 7.5, what units of measurement?  Feet?

    Did you try a buddy bath?

    It's possible they just aren't compatible and you'll have to have a divided cage for them.

    Are they both female?  Don't take that as an insult, I just want to make sure.

    [edit] My first two guinea pigs I adopted at the same time (back in the 80s) and they fought quite a bit, but they settled down after a while.  With my most recent bunch, the guys had squabbles during puberty, and then again when I added a new guy.  They still have dominance rumblings and pounce at each other now and then, and that's all normal as long as there's no bloodshed.

    I find that it's best NOT to take more than one or two shots for an introduction, to just do it once so they can establish dominance, and then not separate and reintroduce, because they have to start that hierarchy fight all over again.  I ended up doing a buddy bath (which basically makes them huddle together), and then put them all on neutral ground and dried each one while they were all sniffing each other..

  5. Okay, well the proper introduction method should take you around a week. At least this is how long it usually takes me.

    Involved in this method are both guinea pigs living in two separate cages for the entire week. Every day, as many times as possible, you would take them out to meet with each other on a neutral surface like bathtub. Keeping the meeting brief allows them to get used to each other's smell without having time to fight.

    After around a week, scrub the cage, as you did, and put them together. Now they will know each other, but still will chase each other around to determine their 'pecking order'. This is inevitable that they fight a little bit. Just watch out for bleeding. If wounds do occur, treat them, but don't remove the pig. This is more stressful. Just let them sort it out.

    And obviously, make sure you have multiple hiding places within the cage so they are not forced to collide all the time.

    Edit: Alright... So now as I said there is a period in which they will fight to figure out who will be the dominant pig, and who wil be the submissive one.

    And I forgot to add this the other time, but if any wounds do appear (although it's unlikely), you can put some regular white flour to clot the bleeding. That, unless you have actual medical products safe for piggies. And do not separate them, it will only increase the tension they are experiencing, and will make the fighting worse when they next see eachother.
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