
Guinea pig Question?

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if me and my bro get 1 guinea pig each *meaning 2 guinea pigs* would they be happy just the same as if we were holding them? because we will hold them alot and play, but sometimes on school, we'll have lots of homework or a test the next day and wont be able to play with them. will they play with each other?




  1. get 2 girls and they can play with each other while there not playing with you and your brother

  2. i have two female guinea pigs and they don't fight at all they like each others company, and i have three males but their babies so they were born together, their 18 days old today, i still have the father and he seems to like the baby's but its best to get two female guinea pigs there also more loving as the the males will fight (if not raised or born together at a early age)

  3. They like being in crowds. The more you have together, the better! You should get two, but make sure its not a girl and a boy. They might have babies, and they will fight alot.

  4. Hi!  I used to raise guinea pigs when I was a youngster and they only cost $2.00!  In answer to your question, it all depends.  Are you going to buy a pair (one male and one female, of course!) or two of the same s*x?  If you buy a pair they will make more guinea pigs!  If you are prepared to raise babies and sell them to a pet store then this is a good plan and they will get along, but if you are going to buy two of the same s*x get females!  Two males may fight with each other!  If you get a pair you will have to remove the male when babies are born.  Also females are cleaner than males.  I hope this answers your question.

  5. yes

    DO NOT GET 2 MALES even if they grow up with each other, they WILL fight,

    so get a boy and girl (you can get them spayed and neutered) or two girls.

  6. Sounds like you have the right idea!

    Guinea pigs are a social species and need the company of their own kind. Spending time with you is great - but they need eachother more.

    If you get two you have no worries about leaving them when you're at school etc because they will keep eachother company, play together etc.

    Please get two of the same s*x. Breeding guinea pigs is very dangerous for the sow, and very difficult to do properly or responsibly.

    It is a MYTH that males can not be housed together!!!

    You can get either 2 females, or 2 males. If you get them at the same time (e.g. littermates, or a bonded pair) there is very little chance of them starting to fight.

    It is also possible to introduce older piggies - both males and females - although this gets a bit more complicated. It is best for a beginner to get two that are already living together.

    Sometimes, when guinea pigs go to a new home (which is new territory for them) they will sqabble at first to re-establish dominance. They may squeek, chase, mount, nose-butt, and rumblestrutt. This is all NORMAL!

    They will sort it out for themselves, so you shouldn't intervene.

    The ONLY time you should separate your piggies is they fight seriously enough that they draw blood.

    Please adopt you guinea pigs from a rescue. That way you can be sure they have been properly cared for and properly sexed, and you will be saving 2 little lives!

    Check out these sites for some accurate piggie info:
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