
Guinea pig Questions (please answer)?

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Okay I have two guinea pigs, both are females. About a month ago they got shots for mites, (2 shots) and have done fine since then. Anyway, recently I've noticed one of them has little white specks in her fur that come out like when ipet her,etc. and she seems to be itching some (not excessively) She doesn't have scabs or anything so I'm confused about what it could be. Can guinea pigs just get dry skin? If so should I try giving her a bath? Thanks in advance!!




  1. it might have dandfruff. Dandruff may just be due to irritated or dry skin which could be caused by bedding or it can be a sign of mites. Mites are tiny and you won't be able to see them. Here is a link which explains more about mites and the signs.

    If it is just dry, irritated skin I would recommend Gorgeous Guineas Coconeem melt, it really did the trick for my Sally and Chocolate when they had some skin irritation last year.

  2. It could jus be stress and probably is but just in case give her a bath to see if it helps. But just wet a wash cloth dont drench her in water because she might have a heart attack. Good Luck!

  3. give her a bath. it could be some type of bug.

  4. guniea pigs can get dandruff just like people go out and buy some oatmeal shampoo for dogs and give her a bath in it and it should clear it up. that worked on the one i used to have

  5. Okay, I just want to correct some BAD advice. If your pig has dry skin do NOT give it a bath - it will only dry it out even more! Also, DO NOT USE BABY WIPES EITHER! Never use products on an animal like that.

    It might be mites, because when guinea pigs are under stress, they are more likely to get them. Actually, mites ALWAYS live under the pigs skin, it's just stress and other factors that may cause them to become active and a problem. What was used to treat the mites? I could help you more if I know what was used.

    Read over this carefully please:

    Oh yeah, and next time you have a question about your piggie, your best bet is to either go to and

    Join their forums, and ask your questions there because there are TONS of cavy savvy people there who will be more than happy to help out you and your piggie. You can't trust most of people's answers here, because they give dangerous advice, hence the advice about baby wipes.

    EDIT: More bad advice, DO NOT EVER use products used for dogs or ANY other animal at that. Ingrediants in products for other animals (even other rodents) are toxic to guinea pigs -Unless directed by an exotic cavy savvy vet (such as in the case of using Advantage and ONLY advantage for lice. Cheaper knock offs or other products contain other ingrediants that are toxic to guinea pigs.)

    GOOD glad to here it was ivermectin.  Alright, well, I would go to guinealynx or guineapigcages and ask this question there, because a question like this needs to be answered by someone who is a cavy savvy vet, or who has tons of medical experience with pigs . I do not know enough personaly what could be wrong or up with your pig, so I do not want to give you any advice that will put your pig at harm, but like I said you can go there and will have people there who have tons of knowledge and could answer your question.

  6. Don't ever give her a bath use a wet wash cloth and wipe her off or use baby wipes

    and if it gets worse you should prolly take her to the vet

  7. I am glad that your "girls" have done fine since their spots.  Make sure the spots aren't moving or it could be lice.  My one piggy had that and we used something from the pet store to remove it.  She did fine with that.  It was a while ago so I can't remember the name of the remedy.  I know that when my cats are nervous that they get white flakes like dandruff.  Your  piggies may just be nervous.  I would just brush them and see if that helps.  I wouldn't bathe them.  Don't every bathe your piggies because it is very stressful for them and they could die from a heart attack.  Either ask at the pet store or call your vet.

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