
Guinea pig betting is it ok to eat?

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well it is care fresh betting and if they need somthing to chew on what might it be and were can i get it?




  1. Grass hay is the best thing for them to chew

  2. Pet stores sell wood and mineral blocks for animals to chew on or even small edible houses for animals to chew on. I might also suggest a rawhide dog bone. I use this on my rats and they enjoy it, however, Guinea pigs I'm not so sure. I am positive of the wood and mineral blocks. =D They love them.

  3. do you mean bedding?  I think they eat it.  I wouldn't eat it.  The guinea pigs are another thing.  In the Andes they are called cui and are a delicacy.

  4. GP's have to chew to keep their teeth down so they don't grow under.  

    Get a cardboard box for their hut, so they can chew on it.  Also, toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls are also good. Anything cardboard is a good chewing toy, but will also be essential to keeping their teeth down.

    GP's can also get bored, so chewing toys are good.  Make sure the toys aren't too hard though.  That is why cardboard items are good.  It'll keep them busy and they'll be happy.  

  5. a wouldnt count on guinea pigs eating their betting. If i were you, id go to the local pet shop and then ask them if they have something for guinea pigs to chew to keep their teeth healthy. Carrots will also suffice as a makeshift gnawing thingy.  but dont use carrots for too long because it isnt hard enough to work for long periods

  6. u can get it at any pet store. and yes it is ok for them to eat, it is made up of old newspaper and cardboard! safe for them to eat!

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