
Guinea pig chinchilla or ferret?? please answer a.s.a.p.(i don't want to adopt)

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pls tell me which is best for my life style, this is my life style:usually not home in the day time, will give it TONS of tlc. will be willing to pay for vet bills food water , etc. any advice will be helpful especially prices. please also give websites of info on them if possible and thanks in advance (:




  1. chinchilla

  2. guinea pig would be best, because they are nocturnal animals therefore you not being home during the day won't really matter. They are also the least expensive of the three and require the least amount of attention.

    Ferrets are awesome, but if they get antsy while you aren't home during the day, and get out of their cages you will never get them back because they are FAST little things. Good luck

  3. Don't get a chinchilla, my son had a pair and they are hard to care for. They need frequent dust baths, which leaves dust covering their whole area. They need constant cool temperatures because of their fur, and they can't get wet.

    They don't ever adjust to being handled. They chew up anything within their reach. And they kick stuff up out of the cage, so they make a real mess.

    Get a ferret, or better yet, a cat. At least those respond to affection.

    Cats actually thrive on being alone a lot.

  4. chinchilla definatly

    I had one

    the are total love bugs

    and they are accually nocturnal.

    try PetCo

    but dont get a female they will pee on you if they get scared

  5. I've had all of these at one time or another.  Guinea pigs are stinky, cute, but not cuddly. I've had several ferrets, loved them all.  They need to be out & not penned up alot, or have more than one. They are very playful, some do well with dogs or cats also.  They also stink & need a special diet. Chinchilla's need special things too, like the dust for their coat.  They are wonderful to touch.  Of the three, the ferret is the best choice to me, because they are so playful. You really should adopt, so many people get pets & either can't or don't want to take care of them, which leaves an overpopulation.

  6. why dont you want to adopt? thats the best thing to do

  7. all of them make great pets...but they all need a lot of attention...chinchillas are about 150 guinea pigs are about 30 bucks and i dont know how much ferrets are

  8. Monkey.

  9. Okay, I have had all of the above.

    Guinea pigs are absolutely smelly and nasty. They really don't have much personality, just cute to look at. They are cheap to take care of though.

    Ferrets: Have a lot of personality but are expensive to care for and also are very nasty. They have a natural odor that you can not get rid of.

    Chinchillas: Lot's of personality, not very nasty but are kind of expensive to care for. They have to have a normal routine and lot's of outside time to run and play because they are very hyper.

    I personally would choose the Chinchilla because I don't like stinky.

    If you want to think outside of the box, get a Quaker Parrot. Not to steap in price but are all the fun of a large parrot in a smaller package. I absolutely love mine!!

  10. definately not a ferret- a happy ferret needs to be out of the cage with human interaction at least 3-4 hours a day. They get bored if left alone too long, and boredom leads to an aggressive or super hyperactive ferret. They are also usually awake during the day, but can be trained to be awake at night if that is when you are up.

    Chinchillas are nocturnal- so great if you are usually home at night. They need a dust bath (chinchilla ash- sold at stores) at least once a week. They also need a tall cage with lots of places to jump to.

    They can be wild, but if you work with them, tame quickly. Price of animal: $50+ depending on the color you want and where you live Livespan- 7-15 years approx.

    Guinea pigs- can be a bit smelly, and are usually awake during the day. They are the tamest of the bunch though. Lifespan- up to 5 years.

    If you are home mostly at night, chinchilla would be the best out of your choices.

  11. Ferrets and Chinchillas are Crepuscular (Most active around dawn and dusk), which might be your ideal pet. Ferrets are insane balls of energy, and unless you are a very active person, I recommend something else. They are also rather pricy (around $400)

    Guinea Pigs are very skittish, so if you plan to give it lots of attention, that might be a problem. I'd recommend a Chinchilla for your lifestyle. If you change your mood and decide to adopt though, you might be able to find a Guinea Pig that isn't skittish (or a chinchilla that wasn't socialized as a kit and therefore is.)

  12. Read

    Ferrets are really great but need to have LOTS of attention  They are carnivores, in the weasel family.  Must clean litter box at least once a day and wash bedding weekly.  Must have good quality food, (not the cheap food full of corn) animal based protein.  Very prone to cancer and metabolic disorders. ( medical expenses can be high)  Do not make good cage animals.

    Guinea Pigs are very cute, rodent so vegetarian.  Must provide calcium and vitamin C and plenty of chewing articles for teeth.  Make cute sounds.


    Cute little rodent.  Come from South America up in the mountains, where it is cold.  Must have a cool temperature to live. Mostly healthy.

    What kind of pet do you like?  What level of commitment can you make to caring for a pet.  My advice is to read about each  animal and think about which one fascinates you most.  If you are still uncertain,  look for a local shelter or rescue and volunteer your time.  Find out everything you can about each one and then make your decision.  Once you get a pet and find out you were not prepared, it is hard to find a good home for the unwanted animal and some pets get really sad when they are rejected.  

    (You might consider a rat also.  They are very loving, can be taught tricks and are very personable.  My daughter used to have 6 and she loved them to death)  

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