
Guinea pig fun?

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is there anything i can buy/ make/ give to my guinea pig to entertain him as he is on his own and i feel he needs some stimulation. he already has a tube but dont like that anymore.




  1. hang paper clips and keys from the top of the cage. (wash them first)

  2. Guinea pig treats (: (not too much though)

    Also bring him/her inside your house so they dont feel alone.

  3. i don't know because i have 2 guinea pigs and i can't find anything in pet shops to keep them entertained but they have each other so maybe you should get another guinea pig because they are a group animal and do not like being on their own.

  4. Paper lunch bags are great for entertaining guinea pigs.  You can fill it with hay or just put it in empty.  They love it either way.  Same thing with empty kleenex or soda 12 pack boxes.  You can also cut the end off of an oatmeal container and let him play in that.

  5. I suggest cardboard boxes as my guinea pigs love these and jump on top of them and walk around with them on their heads!

    Also a hay cube or something similar could amuse your piggie when he is simply eating hay.

    i have also rubbed carrot on a ping pong ball and my guinea pigs pushed it around their cage for a bit which was quite sweet!

    Overall I would suggest another piggy but if you cannot have one, homemade amusement toys are just as good, or sometimes better, than pet shop toys! and much cheaper!

  6. plain cardboard, or white cardboard-experiment with different shapes for them to chew, tunnel through, play on, etc

    tear the toilet paper or paper towel along the spiral line, shove hay in it-just as long as it's not alfalfa hay-good hays are brome, meadow, bermuda, timothy, orchard grass, oat hay, etc

    wooden huts for rodents are at petsmart, petco etc-chewable and good hide outs

    paper bags-large ones empty or stuff with hay-check often for urine soaked bags though

    large pvc pipes for tunneling

    in rodent section of pet stores-metal hangable kabobs-come with wooden shapes safe for g pigs-also in this section are hangable balls-with big spaces, some colored, to shove hay in(have bells on the bottom)

    also look for bendable rainbow huts-are sold already folded-they need large ones-chewable-dispose of when metal is sticking out

    plain white paper-crumpled in balls or laid flat-che

    · Alfalfa, radish, & clover sprouts Apple (seeds are toxic)

    Basil Blueberries

    Beet greens (tops)* Banana (not the peel)

    Bok choy Melon

    Broccoli (mostly leaves/stems)* Orange (including peel)

    Brussels sprouts Papaya

    Carrot & carrot tops* Peach

    Celery Pear Cilantro Pineapple

    Clover Plums

    Collard greens* Raspberries

    Dandelion greens* Strawberries

    Absolutely NO Kaytee-brand Treats. And NO chocolate, cookies, crackers, pasta, or other "human treats". There is research to suggest these items may contribute to fatal cases of enterotoxemia, a toxic overgrowth of "bad" bacteria in the intestinal tract. No breakfast cereals (with the exception of Cheerios), only small amounts of bread or yogurt drops.

    * = Good source of Vitamin A. Serve one portion daily.

    (!) Use sparingly. High in either oxylates or goitrogens and may be toxic in accumulative quantities over time.


    Watermelon rind


    Green peppers

    Kale (!)*


    Mustard greens*


    Pea pods (the flat edible kind)*

    Peppermint leaves Raddichio

    Radish tops

    Raspberry leaves

    Romaine lettuce* (no iceberg or light colored leaf)

    Spinach (!)*


    Wheat grass

    I give my rabbit:

    Rabbit mix, hay, water

    Fresh foods: apple, bannana, beetroot, broccoli and its leaves, carrot and carrot tops, celery, celeriac, chicory, Chinese leaf, cucumber, endive, fennel, Jerusalem artichoke, kohlrabi and its leaves, melon, parsnip, peas including the pods and leaves, pear, pumpkin, radish greens, rasbery, strawberry, Swiss chard, green and red tomatoes, watercress, watermelon. You can also give her herbs in moderation. Give your rabbit only small amounts of Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, maize, mustard greens, potato, spinich, swede and turnipe, becuase they can make your rabbit sick if they eat to much. Do not feed it: tomatoe leaves, beans, potatoe sprouts and eyes, and rhubarb, which are posenouis to them. Good luck! contact me if you need anything else!

    -a cage at least 4 times the size of your bunny-

    -bedding(not any kind shavings-the sawdust is bad for the bunny)

    -good quality pellets

    -a sturdy bowl for pellets

    -lots of timothy hay

    -hay rack to hang in cage

    -large water bottle

    -a shoe box or a small hideout for your bunny to go inside his cage

    -litter box


    -plenty of toys-something with wood for the bunny to chew on and even simple things like paper towel rolls

    -harness for going to the vet or going outdoors

    -anything you need to bunny proof your house-like something to cover up cords and wires

    A large cage or hutch for inside is necessary.

    A steel bowl for food.

    A large water bottle.

    A hoard of bedding.

    A litter pan or four.




    Room to run safely.

    A bag of rabbit pellets.

  7. Another Guniea pig.

    They enjoy playmates

  8. I have seen these balls made out of hay that have bells inside. That might entertain him. I have also seen tubes and houses and also food bowels that are completely edible. Maybe a short ladder up onto a platform with food on it would give him something to figure out. Good luck!


  9. You have gotten some good info, and some not so good info.

    I have to say it...your pig needs a friend. They are social animals. to address the rest.

    The tunnels, and paper bags, and other things suggested here are great, but it's not enough to keep your pig from being lonely.

    Here are some things you were told that are not correct:

    No breakfast cereals (with the exception of Cheerios), only small amounts of bread or yogurt drops.  WRONG - No cheerios at all and no bread or yogurt drops. They are bad for them.

    As far as veggies and fruit...check this out:


    You do know that guinea pigs are herd animals and that it is not fair to keep them on their own? That's the best you can do for him... if you are not willing to get another guinea pig then you aren't fit to be a guinea pig owner. That's the most important thing for a guinea pig. You should have got a hamster if you wanted a single animal.

    Hmmm oh well, I guess some people never do their research before buying an animal. Try cardboard boxes, empty toilet rolls, toys with bells on them, toys which he has to roll/reach up to to get food out of them.

  11. you should give him a lot of attention.....I personally think that is better than objects, but what i do is, i sometimes let my guinea pig out of the cage to run around and has to be a room with NO cords or electrical wires or anything that could hurt your guinea pig.....and i would just let him run and you can play with him....i suggest that you don't leave him there alone.

  12. My guinea pig loves to play with crumpled up paper balls and she has a little stuffed bear that she sometimes snuggles up with.

  13. give him as much human attention as possible they enjoy being held , another guinea pig may cause problems as they don't always get on

  14. hi there!!! try putting hay up the inside of the tube and get him a ball with the bell inside it and maybe a willow ball they love them!!! good luck!!

  15. Do you have a cage so he can have some free time running about outdoors? I suggest you take a trip to your local pet shop they are bound to have lots of toys to entertain your guinea pig also you can give it cardboard to chew on.. chopping up fresh veg and hiding it about may amuse it it will have to hunt for the goods :) hope this has helped

  16. buy him a igloo. its great for him to hide in! u can also make stuff! sometimes they would even play with a simple paper bag.

    well hamsters love plastic balls to roll around in but this is not good for guinea pigs. it could cause them horrible pain to their poor little backs!

    or there is also a hay hamper u can find at a pet store.

    be creative!

    good luck!

    hope this helps!

  17. My guinea pigs like to run through p.v.c tubes, bricks to climb over.  small branches to chew on (apple branches are best) and old pillows that they can lay on

  18. plain cardboard, or white cardboard-experiment with different shapes for them to chew, tunnel through, play on, etc

    tear the toilet paper or paper towel along the spiral line, shove hay in it-just as long as it's not alfalfa hay-good hays are brome, meadow, bermuda, timothy, orchard grass, oat hay, etc

    wooden huts for rodents are at petsmart, petco etc-chewable and good hide outs

    paper bags-large ones empty or stuff with hay-check often for urine soaked bags though

    large pvc pipes for tunneling

    in rodent section of pet stores-metal hangable kabobs-come with wooden shapes safe for g pigs-also in this section are hangable balls-with big spaces, some colored, to shove hay in(have bells on the bottom)

    also look for bendable rainbow huts-are sold already folded-they need large ones-chewable-dispose of when metal is sticking out

    plain white paper-crumpled in balls or laid flat-chewable

    google safe veggies for guinea pigs
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