
Guinea pig help! How do I get him to like me?????

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i've had my guinea pig for almost a full year, and he's still scared of me, could you tell me some things that could help him love me??? i've been thinking of getting another guinea pig so he has a friend, but my mom wont let me , unless YOU come up with a good reason, she might. PLEEEAAASE HELP!!!




  1. Male guinea pigs will not fight! GAH! Where did that rumor get started. But bottim line. Another pig, or give him to someone who can get him a companion. See if this softens your mom up to the idea of another pig-

    Also, whenever you are in the pet store, show your mom a guinea pig care book, in every guinea pig care book I have ever read it urges people to have more than 2 guinea pig!

  2. If he is in fact male, he will need a same-s*x friend. If you got him from a petstore, it's a 50-50 chance he's male, as they don't even know what they're doing.

    If you have another male with him in a petstore cage, they might fight because it is way too small living quarters. They need a C&C cage which you can either build yourself or buy from Sue:

  3. Well maybe if you play your music to loud, or you to loud yourself that may scare him.. they generally like a peaceful area, so give him peace. You know feed him treats and things, when you pick him up and stroke him.. be gentle, just show love and affection, and gradually he'll show you the same!

  4. look at this website it might help you with all your guinea pig needs

  5. it is important to handle your pet as much as possible. it is very common for rodents and reptiles to revert back to their 'wild' ways.  If they are not handled often they will associate your hand entering the cage with fear because something new and unusual is entering it secure space.  As someone else answered every time you walk by talk to it so it recognizes your voice and reach in slowly and let it smell you before you  try to pet it so it becomes familiar with your scent.  I do not recommend taking its house out of the cage because that would increase the fear in the animal. Instead, once it becomes used to your hand reaching in constantly and petting it, take it out of the cage and it should associate your familiar scent with security if it is truly a fearful guinea pig!! Good Luck!

  6. hi well I'm a guinea pig owner too and mine is very lonely. maybe you might wanna consider getting it a friend. And other than that, you need to pet it a lot, change its water every day, give it hay every day, and food.

    Now you need to talk to it a lot. just every time you pass it say hello and pet it . if it is still scared take away its house ! ( just for a while )

    happy to help,

    anne : )

  7. well at least once a day put your hand in the cage and let him sniff it. After hes use to your hand pet him then he'll trust you. In a few weeks he will be in love with you  

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