
Guinea pig help PLEASE?

by Guest32096  |  earlier

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ok so tomarrow i am going to petco to get some guinea pig supplies.

what should i get?

i have 2, 7 month old female guinea pigs

currently i have this...

C&C cage

timothy hay



water bottle



litter box


anything else i need?

all i know for sure about what i am getting at the store

is that i am getting a hay rack

and a bowl for the veggies and pellets

i was also considering getting them a pigloo

(piggy iggloo)

so any other ideas?

OH YA i was aso gonna get some sorta vitamin suppliment like votamin drops to puut in water or something like that




  1. The vitamins for the water are pretty useless. Hidey houses are good.

    But is there a store near you that does not sell animals or can you order online? Petco supports breeding mills.

  2. Yer what you have there is good but i would not get the vitamin to put inthere water because if you stop useing it the gps will stop drinking so just get the veges that have more vc in them! You will need hay as well and make sure you get the right sort of wood shaveings because some can be harm full to them! You dont need to get the piggy igloo u can just use a box with a big hole at the front thats what i have a chew block is good to if you want a tunnal a bit cheper than go to a post office and get a parcle tube! So i guess thats about it all oh the bowl needs to be a porcilan on so that they can not tip it ova!

    Hope this helps♥

  3. My guinea pig likes to walk in a ball when I clean her cage so add cage and whell............ or uhm..... these diffrent colored treats with white swirl on top they are good for there teeth and they luv 'em and chew toys

  4. Hey... those are good supplies exept for the shavings, dont buy it, the shaving are good for hamsters but not for cavies (guinea pigs)  it may give them ichy skin or respiratory problems. the best bedding material is paper pellets, but if you wanna make it even better put a layer of timothy hay on top of the pellets. Besides, the paper pellet absorbs the urines a lot better the the shaving

    if you are gonna use a litter box dont put the tipycal cat litter material it's bad for them too.

    the pigloo it's a really good idea because it gives them a place for their own..

    don't buy the vitamin c drops just buy food that contains vitamin c since cavies can't make their own vitamin c...

    Hope i could help... good luck...

  5. The list of things you already have is a pretty good one.  Just make sure they have timothy hay 24 hours a day, and 1/4 cup of pellets per pig, per day.  Choose veggies high in vitamin C, such as bell peppers, strawberries, and dark leafy lettuce.  You will need about 1 cup of veggies for every 1 pound of body weight on your pig.  This will give them enough vitamin C daily that you do not need additional suppliments.  

    Those vitamin drops you add to water are a waste of money.  The vitamins just deteriorate once they hit the water.

    Make sure wood shaving are Aspen.  Cedar is toxic as it releases chemicals when wet.  Pine is too dusty and can cause breathing problems.  I personally think carefresh is too dusty even though many small animal people like it.

    I like your piggy igloo idea.  They need a hiding place.

    You should also get something for them to chew on.  Since their teeth always grow, they need to chew to keep them filed.

    You should probably get a nail clippers and quick stop powder too for trimming their nails.

  6. Do NOT use vitamin drops in their water. Once it hits the light the vitamins disintegrate and make the water taste funny to the piggies. Also a pigloo is a great idea. I have one for my piggies and they love it :)

  7. Get some gnawing toys.

    Guinea pigs teeth continously grow and they need gnawing wood/toys to keep them trim. Do NOT use wood from your garden/park, buy them from a pet shop.

    DON'T get them a ball or wheel.

    Guinea pig spines are not made to use a ball or wheel and they can seriously damage themselves using it. Them walking around on the ground is fine.

  8. Kenzie, you were very rude to Hotcakes. He was just trying to help. If I had a daughter like you that thought had a bad aditude and was rude to people trying to help, I wouldn't let you have any kind of pet. You should be ashamed.

    FYI - Shavings are bad because they cause respitory problems from inhaling the dust. Fleece is bad because they chew on it and it causes impaction (friend's guinea died that way). Litter boxes can be dangerous if you don't get the right litter (can also cause respitory issues). Vitamin supplements are a waste of time because it makes the water taste nasty to them and they'll never drink it. Buuuuut since you're 13 and know everything, I'll stop there. Good luck.

  9. Hmm they need salt, and yes they love pigloos. Guinea pigs naturally want to hide away, so igloos are perfect... Oh and timathy hay isn't very good for them... if they eat too much, it looks like they're drunk... it's really cute, but not good for them... alfalfa is a lot better... I'm not sure how much you know about guinea pigs, so I'll just say that they love to eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables... just no potatoes, they're poisonous to guinea pigs.

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