
Guinea pig help plesase ?

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okay i made my guinea pig a cute home for him to sleep in the cage with he comes out to eat and stuff and squeaks like singing but when i try to get him he wont come to me :( whats wrong?




  1. Nothings wrong. My guinea pig does this all the time when he's with his plastic igloo, and it just means he's happy and he doesn't want to leave his cage. If the home is removable, just take it out when you want to hold him and stuff. Then put it back in the cage with him. This will also teach him that being held is a good thing. I can't guarantee that this will make him stop running away, but it might make you and him happier.

  2. Guinea pigs are very nervous creatures. Give him a little more time and plenty of veggies, and he'll soon greet you at the cage door.  

  3. Oh yeah the squeak that sounds like a "hum" or like something is vibrating that means he either wants privacy, or that he wants you to know that he's the boss of you so you may just want to take it slow and don't just instantly put your hand in to pet him. Let him sniff you and let him know that your there to pet him, another way is that you could feed him by hand  

  4. nothings wrong he is probably just scared

    did you get him not long ago?

    if you did he is just not used to u yet

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