
Guinea pig help!?

by Guest63984  |  earlier

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my sisters guinea pig is realy skinny. she had a hed tilt and was treated for an ear infection. she is eating ALOT of food and drinking a whole water bottle (guinea pig size) a day. her belly is gettin fat lol but you can feel her bones and her spine. shes only 5 weeks old. please help and suggestions?




  1. Thats ok cuz shes a baby shes small shell get big and fat over time....REAL FAT

  2. Your Sisters Guinea pig might be just gaining weight that she's lost due to her head tilt then again if her belly is really fat and you feel her bones she might have intestinal parasites.

  3. What kind of food are you feeding her? if it isn't the right kind (healthy) she could get a potbelly, but not the needed muscle and shine. I really like Kaytee. Also, has she been with a male? if she is skinny but with a big baby i never rule our the possability of having babies in her, but that is very unlikley, i would say make sure she has the right nuitrition, but don't worry too much, she is just a baby. If you are really concerned go to the vet.

  4. Contact a vet that tell them about it just to be on the safe side.
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