
Guinea pig illness?

by  |  earlier

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My guinea pig is about one or two years old. It is a male. This morning he seemed really tired, and now he just lays around. He isn't eating, and he's not producing much waste. The waste he does produce is diarrhea. What's wrong with him, and what do Ido about this? I can't take him to the vet because it's sunday! Is he going to die?




  1. well i dont want to skare you but.. my guniea pig had the same exact thing.. he died a few days later.. go to the vet first thig tomorrow, your little piggy probably wont die.. cuz mine was about 4 years old.. just do what the dr says and most likly everything will be ok.. hope this helped :]

  2. well maybe its a girl and its pregnant? idk i dont think hes dying but im not 100% sure and i dont want to lead you in the wrong direction. i guess as soon as you can (which would be tomorrow) take him to the vet. you can also look online for illnesses a guinea pig could have. do some research. i hope he gets better =D

  3. I was just reading the section in my nutrition book for school about how humans and guinea pigs cannot produce vitamin c by themselves. So you have to eat vitamin c to get any. Symptoms of deficiency are (and i'm assuming in humans so they may apply to your pet as well, I don't know): bleeding gums and joints, loose teeth, weakness, hemorrhages around the hair follicles of the arms and legs, wounds that fail to heal, swollen ankles and wrists, bone pain and fractures, diarrhea and depression.

    also a megadose of vitamin c can lead to nausea and diarrhea. I wanted to add this in here if you were already giving vitamin c.

    I've never owned a guinea pig and have 0 clue on what they eat. I hope this helps. If anything I'm sure your city has an emergency vet.

    Good luck.

  4. Go to an  Emergency vet around you if there is one. This is very serious. No treatment will result in death. Guinea pigs need to constantly be taking in food and water. Since your pig is not going to the bathroom, he obviously is n't taking anything in. You have to handfeed him.

  5. dude, I think he may have scurvy

    lack of victim C

    put vitamin c drops in his water


    and make sure to clean his water everyday

    you might have to force feed him

  6. Mine died from pneumonia, almost the same symptoms, but mine went into "shock" like stages about 4 times a day until a week later he was done:( GL, hope yours is ok

  7. Take him into the vet right when it open on Monday morning.  Make sure it is a vet that knows how to treat guinea pigs.  Diarrhea is a very serious sign of illness, so the guinea MUST be taken to the vet.

    Here's some more info:

  8. Has he been getting vitamin c supplements? That may be the problem. 2 years old is still very young. Get him to a vet ASAP.  Are there any emergency clinics in your area that may be open?

  9. Sorry, but taking him to the vet is the only thing I know of. If he has diarrhea, make sure he is drinking water. If not water him with an eye dropper into his mouth. Gently! Not too much at one time, you can drown him. A teaspoon may even work. Good luck, I love Guinea pigs too.

  10. he might do but it is rare. just give him less watery foods and try to give him more excersize (i.e. put him out in a run, large rodent ball)

  11. Ok well you may be giving him too much vitamin c? That could cause the runs in piggies... did you feed him a certain food? Mine had this and he had a cold, he was put on anti-biotics and he was better. Bring him to an emergency vet. Every vet has an emergency clinic. It may be a little pricey but I'm sure your piggy is worth it.
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