
Guinea pig noise please help!?

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I have three guinea pigs. I usually know what all the noises they make mean and what they want. But one of them today was eating and made a noises that almost sounded like she was coughing up a hairball, only worse.

She was eating normally, and would hunch her back like she was going to vomit, make a noise that sounded like she was choking and coughing it back up, and then keep eating.

She did it about ever 1 min. or so for about 5 mins. then stopped. I'm pretty sure she wasn't choking as she acted normal and didn't cough up in food.

That was earlier, now it sounds like another pig is doing it too. What could it be? Does this mean it's contagious My little sister says it sounds like a hiccup, only it sounds worse than a simple hiccup.

please help my precious piggies D:




  1. Oh no. That's something serious. One of my guinea pigs had those same symptoms and the next day, after giving birth to 4 babies, she died. To tell you the truth, I don't really know what it is. But i say you should act quickly and take it to the vet before it gets worse. Because once a guinea pig gets sick, they have very little will to live.

  2. take it to a vet

  3. My piggie does the same thing, it's a high pitched "cough" per se.

    My vet believes that she has allergies and is prone to upper respiratory infections, so be sure to watch them. They can get colds from us, so you'll want to monitor their weights very closely, and if they start loosing weight, take them to the vet immediately. Have you changed bedding lately? what kind do you use? I recommend either a fleece liner, or one made from recycled paper.. NEVER pine or cedar bedding.

  4. keep their shavings very, very clean. they may have a respiratory infection. also, make sure to give them lots of extra vitamin C to help them recover.

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