
Guinea pig not drinking her water?

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My guinea pig has always finished a bottle of water everyday. As of the past 2 days she is only drinking about a quarter of a bottle, if that. Why would she suddenly change her drinking habits?




  1. It may also depend on the weather.  When its hot and humid I find that my guinea pigs almost double their daily intake.

  2. Mabe she is sick ,guinea pigs often hide when they are sick.My sisters guinea pig died of anamonia.We had no idea he was sick until a few hours before he died.If you do not think she is sick then mabe her teeth are too long and she can't get to her water.

  3. If you're feeding her a lot of fresh veggies that are high in water content, this can cause her to drink less. Too much water in her system will give her diahrrea.

    However, if that is not the case, I would keep a close eye on her---any change in eating, drinking, or elimination habits should throw up a red flag for you. If you don't weigh her regularly, you should start now. A cheap digital kitchen scale is perfect for this. A drop of 2 or more ounces in a short period of time may indicate illness.

  4. without knowing what shes eating its hard to say.. my Guinea pigs always drink less if they have had cucumber...... has her diet changed!!!!

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