
Guinea pig owners! Help Me

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I Have a Pig, A Female, Who Is My Life :)

She Is Such A Sook :] And Always Wants To Cuddle.

What I Want To Know Is How I Can Treat Her Sometimes And Make Her Very Happy :]

Is There A Certian Food You Can Sometimes Feed them That they love for a treat?

or any toys? or something i can put in her cage?

Please Help :] And Give Me Idead :]




  1. believe it or not, mine LOVED grapes & carrots. Did you know you could buy a leash & walk them?

  2. gosh the lack of knowledge on here is amazing.  piggies should never be walked on a lead as it can break their backs when they do the skippy thing they do. spinach is a calcium binder and should not be fed too often, carrotts are very high in vit a which if fed too often can cause kidney and bladder stones. and why cant boys be housed together???? i have many pairs of boys living happily together, the only difference is girls can live in large groups if you have space whereas boys usually will only live in pairs, as for toys, my piggies like a toilet roll tube (cut down the middle so they cant get their head stuck) fill it with hay and veggies then watch them chuck it round.

  3. buy her fluffy stuff you can get a petsmart, feed them carrots, spinach, oranges, tomatoes, get her a little tube to crawl in

  4. feed your pig lotsa crunchy veggies & leafy greens -go easy on the sweet ones like carrots.  timothy hay & water are all they need.  pellets are good to keep in a bowl for munching.  

  5. They love apples and pears as well as carrots, especially the carrot tops, lettuce and other greens.  Also dandelion flowers in season.

    If you can get shredded paper for the litter, put in a lot as they like burrowing through it.

    My daughter put a small dogs collar on hers and took it for walks around the garden.

    We had two with separate wooden hutches in their cage and they loved going into each others and chewing the wood.

  6. 1. mine loves grapes apples lettuce and watermelon

    2. give it a little shelter so it can sleep in it

    3. give it a little saly like made for ginnea pigs (on hot days they love it!)

    4. they love alpha alpha grass

    5. when you walk by thier cage and they squeal or make a yipping noise pett them

    6. you should talk to it in a high piched voice

    7. you can also but a leach for it (there are ginnea pig leashes) and take it for a walk where there is clover it will ♥ it!!

    ~hope it works

  7. If your guinea pig lives inside, she will appreciate a walk outside once in a while and any grass clippings you bring her will definatly go down a treat.

    Give her toys or boxes she can hide in like pipes. If you want to be really extravigant, you should get her a cozie or a cuddle cup she can sleep in-these are made of fleece and you can buy them for around $15.

    If she lives on her own, you could take her to a friends house who has other guinea pigs.

    Hope this helps

  8. mine loved the stalk of parsley, cilantro (no leaves, just the stem).  she also loved kale you can get it at the store (i don't think it has much of a taste but they like it).  try an orange this way she gets some vitamin C and has a treat.

  9. Guinea pig treats normally consist of foods that they shouldn’t eat too much of.

    i.e. Carrots and apples are good treats or ‘sometimes food.’

    And of course the obvious foods that they love are grass and hay, as soon as they see it they will gobble it down.

    I find putting plain card board (with no dye) in their cage for them to nibble on is good.

    My piggies love the card board of toilet rolls.

    Putting pieces of wood in there is also good for them to chew on as it will help with their teeth.

    Never give them treated pine as it is exactly that, TREATED. It’s bad for them and will make them sick.

    Hope this has relatively helped you out.

  10. I agree I also love my pigs!

    One thing is though they need companionship, if you don't want babies get another female. Two females can live together but not two males.

    They absolutely love grass. But it has to be hand picked, not from the lawn mower.

    I have a exercise wheel in one of my cages, they don't really use it. One did but unfortunatelyI I got rid of it, other than that all they seem to do is have s*x, eat a lot and say weep weep.

  11. guinea pigs love any fruit fresh or dried, unsalted popcorn, bread, and nuts. they are healthy treats for a guinea pig. do not feed them anything that is bad for a human. guinea pigs like toys they can hide in so get her lots of boxes and she'll be happy

  12. what you can do is give her some applae but dont give her to many carrots as they cand cause constipation you can get yogurt drops they like those or treat sticks to put in her cage and some wood for her to knaw on my piggies prfer the treat sticks though!!!!

  13. hahaha you said idead. well mine loves carrots and apples

  14. Pigs LOVE cabbage, carrots, any fresh veggi!!!(some fruits to!) Put lots n lots of bedding in his cage!!(my old pig loved making nests outta it) and give him/her(heh) some wood to gnaw her teeth on!

       THe best thing to give her is your love!!

  15. there are these little flavoured chewing blocks that you can buy for them. it trims their teeth and it tastes good to them. we have a banana flavoured 1 and it looks like a banana too. you get them from pet stores like pets paradise and pet direct.

  16. maybe give her an old toilet roll (no paper on it) and give them heaps and heaps of grass and she will love u even more for that!! also be careful of mites.. they are very dangurous for guineapigs also be care ful for bladder stones because cats and dogs can get theres removed very easly but with guineapigs there only tiny little creatures and it is to hard for them to get removed take her to the vet every second month is the best thing for her!! i've had both of them happen to my guineapigs!!  and she needed to be put down it is very easly done  

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