
Guinea pig trouble?

by  |  earlier

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hi,i taught my guinea pig fudge how to go to the litter box when she fills she needs to go. but the thing is i only let her use the litter box when it's launch time and play time cause i take her out the cage. so when i put her in her cage she dosn't go potty in the cage she goes in her food bowl!!!!!!

what should i do???




  1. let the guinea go in the house since its potty trained or you can make the cage bigger. are do like my son's school teacher did keep the door open to the cage and when it needs to go potty it'll do so and it'll go back to its cage where the food and bed is.don't confuse the little fellow he depends on you.he'll do fine.

  2. put a litter box in the cage, or shell continue doing this. you should get a small one that fits in her cage. you taught her this, so your lucky she listens! plus, its better if she goes in the litter box. less work for you and its healthier so she doesnt walk in her p**p. you should also get a litter pan that looks like the one you use for playtime.

  3. you can buy a small sized litter box to place in the corner of her cage. they sell it at petco

  4. get a smaller pan that looks like the one you have. Then just repeat the process of how u taught your guinea how to use the pan in the first place. Since she is already trained it really shoundn't take long

    Hope i helped

  5. i would suggets getting a little pan filled with the same stuff as the litter box and setting it in her cage. that may get her out of the food bowl.

    howd you train her????

  6. put the litter box in the cage.......if it doesn't fit, then you should go find a smaller on eat the pet store
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