
Guinea pig vs. rat as pet?

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i want to know cost

male or female



and everything else




  1. Rat-  10

    Guinea pig-  30

    Should both be kept in pairs.

    If you clean cage guinea pigs dont smell.  Rats sometimes smell bad not that bad though.

    Guinea pig- 6 - 8 years average  Rat 2-3

    Like what else?

  2. Rats all the way.  Rats have been called the dogs of the rodent world.  If you do get them you should get two as they are highly sociable creatures.  Try to get ones already together vs buying two separate ones.  Sisters or brothers are already used to each other and there's less of a chance of fighting.

    They are super smart and become attached to their owners.  They don't bite if you handle them often and if they have a friend. Rats cost between 5-10 bucks.  You should look into getting them from a shelter if possible.

    If you are diligent about cleaning, they aren't smelly.  I do spot cleaning every morning before I feed them and then scrub the thing down every weekend-ish.  Rats groom themselves all the time, so they are not the dirty things that you often see in movies/tv.

    Rats can live about 2-4 years, but have been known to live for 5 years.

    Males or females, they're both great.  Girls tend to be more active and curious.  They don't like to be held, and much rather crawl all over you.  Males tend to be more lazy and don't mind being pet in your lap.  Males also get much larger.

    Rats can be potty trained and they quickly learn to go potty only in their cage.  I let mine roam around in the office every night (it's rat proofed) and they never pee or p**p outside their cage.  

    They are really smart and soon learn who you are, how to get your attention, where their food is, etc etc.  You can also teach them tricks if you want to put the effort in.

    They have cool personalities.  One is a bit of a spaz and likes to jump from the floor to the chair to the desk to the window, etc.  The other one is more laid back and rather spend all day eating. :D

    You can check out these sites for more information:

    My sis had a guinea pig and it was kind of boring.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Rat - $10

    Guinea pig - $30

    Cage cost will vary.

    Males & females are both great pets.

    Guinea pigs can build up odor quicker, but both can have little to no odor if the cages are kept properly cleaned.

    Rats - 2-3 years on average

    Guinea pigs - 6-8 years on average

    Both should be kept in same-s*x pairs (or spayed/neutered)

    Both should have a vet to help upkeep their health.

    Both require research to make sure the owner provides the best care possible to insure a happy, healthy & full lifespan.

  4. both are cool in their own wee manners! guinea pigs last longer!

  5. I'd suggest a rat over a guinea pig, I just think they are more interesting and interactive.  Both are social, getting 2 babies to live together would make them happier.

    Females will smell slightly less than males.  Males of both of those are larger, a little more calm usually.   Male rats make good, lazy pets where females tend to be more active and athletic.  Some people don't like the obvious testicles of an adult male rat.

    Rats can live 4-6 years, but get a lot of tumors and cancers.  Guinea pigs about the same, they could live a little longer, 6-7 years.  Guinea pigs tend to be more healthy as far as genetic diseases, but they are more likely to get serious upper respiratory infections, ringworm, etc. if they aren't kept in a healthy, clean environment.

    Guinea pigs need pellet food, hay, and fresh vegetables.  Rats can have a varied diet, usually a block diet as the basis and the fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, pasta, seeds, nuts, chicken, egg, etc.

    Rats are more likely to escape, since they can jump and climb.  A guinea pig doesn't even really need a lid to their cage if it is more than about 18".

  6. Get a guinea pig...

    Ive been a guinea pig owner for some time now.

    Im getting 2 today..

    Cost- $35(petstore)

               $0-20(adoption) more if neutered/spayed



                     If you get a cage from a petstore, you just spent so much for so little..

                     Buy a C&C cage..

    Food-   $10 for two weeks(1 guinea pig)

                         Those pellets have fruits and veggies with it.. Includes Vitamin C

    Bedding- You can and should spot clean the Bedding if you dont want p**p and pee to smell in the house.. Change bedding once a week..  CAREFRESH is the best but pricey..

    You can also use Aspen shavings..

    Dish bowls- 5 dollars

    Water bottle- 4 dollars

    Hay- 7 dollars for 2 weeks


    Gender- Both will do well.. But get a pair of the same s*x..


    Smell-  If you clean well, shouldnt smell bad.


    Lifetime-  4-8 years


  7. Rat average cost: $6 - $10

    Guinea Pig average cose: $10 - 35

    [not including cage]

    Guinea Pig's life span - Between 5 - 7 YRS

    Rat's life span - Between 2 - 3 YRS

    Rat's Smell? As long as you clean their cage you rarely know they're there.

    Guinea Pigs - Even with excessive cleaning, you know they're there.

    Rat temperment - Some rats bite, & do not grow out of this.

    Guinea Temperment - Some piggies are shy, need lots of attention to have them grow on you.

    I have had both, & from personal experience I thought caring for the Rat's were easier. The Guinea Pigs involved excessive cleaning. I always had a pair for both species. Seems to make them a lot happier to have a cage mate.

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