
Guinea pig will not eat?

by Guest64738  |  earlier

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she is also very lethargic, won't come out of the corner, and gives these little shivers every now and then, but they aren't the same ones as when she purrs. any idea what could be wrong?




  1. take her to the vet soon. those are all signs of a sick piggie.

  2. It could be any number of things, but if she is not eating, she must go to a vet NOW. They must have food and water constantly moving through the digestive tract to stay alive. Loss of appetite and weight are the most serious symptoms in a guinea pig. Please take her now.

  3. you may have gave it to much food?

  4. If your piggie is not eating, you must begin aggressively handfeeding her or she will not make it. You will also need to take her to a qualified exotics vet for treatment.

    Not eating, lethargy, etc. are signs of illness. Because guinea pigs are prey animals, they are very good at hiding illness. By the time YOU notice that something is wrong, its usually far worse than you think.

    See this link for handfeeding instructions. Start feeding her NOW.

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