
Guinea pig with lumps? Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I took my three guinea pigs to my vet the other week to get something for the lice i had spotted in their fur. As the vet was checking the guinea pigs he found lumps under one of the guinea pigs armpits. They were under each arm, and he said maybe it could be swollen glands and i should keep an eye on it. When i checked her over at home i felt the lumps under the armpits and i also found a lump on the abdomen, and then later another on the other side of the abdomen but nearer the leg. The lumps feel quite softish, and they are very moveable, they are about pea size. My guinea pig is 2 years old and she is eating well and running about fine. Any ideas on what these lumps can be? Thank You.




  1. My guinea pig got a lump that was small, but it grew until she could barely walk. It was a tumour. We decided it was best to put her down, as she was clearly not enjoying life any more. Maybe you should take them to another vet for a second opinion?? It's always hard to tell when pigs are in pain, so to be on the safe side, until you can sort it, try not to touch the lumps too much.

    Sorry =[

  2. my rats got those and so did my mice. it didnt affect them overall but he said it would spread pretty quickly if we didnt do something about it. There are two options from here. Surgery (very expensive) and euthinazation. Euthinazation can also be quite expensive so what i had to do was snap their necks. It seems gross but it literally takes a millisecond before it kicks in and they dont feel anything. I would go back to the vet to see what he thinks but i think thats whats gonna end up happening. sorry

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