
Guinea pig with weird ears?

by Guest44841  |  earlier

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So we were at petsmart today and they had some guinea pigs. There was this white one that had like elephant ears. It was adorable, but i've never seen a guinea pig with ears like this before. I know how most guinea pig ears look likebut these were definitely not the norm. This is what they kinda looked like, except a little bigger i think:

So anyways, how often do guinea pigs get born with those ears? Is it genetic? or a defect? Anyway, i just though it was really cute the way they flopped around when it shook it's head and stuff :)





  1. It's not a defect at all.I've seen many show guinea pigs with these ears.

    Also a longer ear denotes an older pig.

  2. It is probably the breed.  

  3. It's genetic.  Just like people, guinea pigs come in many different shapes and sizes.  That's just how that guinea pig was born.  You should get that guinea pig ( at Petsmart) it looks like it would be a cutie!

    Aw!  They flopped around when he shook his head!  How cute!!!

  4. It's genetic, not a defect, you have a picture of a guinea pig with similarities. It seemes quite cute! Get it while you can.

  5. hahahahahaha awwww i wanna see it C:


  6. That's actually my photo and my Guinea Pig!

    It's definitely genetic and a desired trait in the pedigree show Cavy (Guinea Pig) world. Generally the bigger the ears, the longer the face.

    All piggies are cute anyway!!! Good luck with your decision!

  7. I think my piggie has those kind of ears too. Theres nothing wrong (medically) with it. I think it's actually adorable.

  8. Petsmart gets their animals from breeding mills. They are often inbred and sold sick, missexed and/or pregnant. Many times they are unweaned and should still be with mom.

    Please adopt instead

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