
Guinea pig won't drink water. I give her lettuce and she'll eat some of it. She doesn't eat as much.

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She's 5 or six years old.




  1. Ice burg lettuse is not good for guinea pigs cause it is not nutritions and is mostly just made of water and not vitamans, if i were you i would start feeding her romain lettuse, allso if shes not drinking much then when you wash the letusse dont dry it of so thast she will get all the moister thats on it

  2. Iceberg lettuce is no good.

    Review diet

    A vet wellness check is a good idea at her age

  3. I just lost my guniea pig not that long ago 7/10/08 he was around 4 years old.He would not eat or drink and he was weak after doing a bit more reserch it was found the avrage life span is only about 5 years and at most 7.I know this isnt what you wanted to hear but if he has any of the stuff i listed that my pig did then chaces are he wont live much longer im not a vet so i cant tell you exactly how long it will live.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you pig does better then mine did

    if you would like to know any more i would contact a local vet that deals with little animals

  4. my rat had a similar problem. she wouldnt eat or drink. u need to give ur guinea pig water from a syringe. and as for food try soft foods. like give her mashed bananas. give her grapes or cantalope. also see if she will eat yogurt. if u get all natural yogurt it contains living good bacteria that helps build a strong immune system, it really helps when things like this happen. it totally workded for my rat. and mix in some of her hard food with the soft. eventually she will get back to normal. i did this with my rat and she is doing great!

  5. try going to a pet store and give her regular guinea pig dry food. i have a guinea pig too, and i give him dry food that it is very good for him and, it will makes her very thirsty so she will drink her water.

  6. If you feel something is wrong with your pet, take her to the vet.

  7. First of all, guinea pigs will die of eating ice berg lettuce >< (no offence but every guinea pig owner should know that). Even regular lettuce is bad. Give it cabbage instead. Guinea pig's will learn to drink it's water. Like mine did.

  8. My guinea pig did that when his partner died, he didnt want to eat or drink, I had to force feed him every day.

  9. well if you are giving him lettuce then dont worry of her not drinking water cause she is already getting water from the lettuce,wish you luck

  10. What kind of lettuce did u give it?..and she could be getting some water from the lettuce. If you see her water not going down at all check with the vets.

    Hope this helped =D

  11. How are you providing the water? I've known small animals in the past that don't like to use water bottles, but when provided with a small bowl will.

  12. they get there water from food i have a rabbit and i really don't need to give her water it's just extra and the guinea pig that i have does the same good luck

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