
Guinea pigs cost more money than hamsters but r more loveable!!!! is It worth the extra cost??

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I have $125 for a guinea pig and all so hamster or guinea pig???




  1. Hands down, a guinea pig makes a better pet than a hamster.  I have a hamster and two guinea pigs and I love them all very much but guinea pigs are much better pets.  Hamsters only live up to three years.  They are very temperamental.  You may get a friendly hamster or a nasty one who always bites.  Hamsters aren't social.  They like to be left alone.  My hamster will let me hold her for a minute or two but then she wants me to put her down.  She is very sweet though.  I got very lucky with her.  She has never bitten me.  Guinea pigs are awesome.  They live 5-8 years.  They are so sweet and friendly and they never bite.  They love to be held.  They are a little shy at first but once you earn their trust, which doesn't take long at all, they will love you so much.  You could hold them for hours and hours.  They love it.  The biggest cost is the set up but $125 is plenty.  A guinea pig costs around $35.  A cage is around $40.  They need pellets, timothy hay, and I put liquid vitamins for guinea pigs in their water because they need plenty of vitamin C in their diet.  A few times a week you can give them veggies.  I prefer kale because it is high in vitamin C and they absolutely love it.  Guinea pigs are best kept in pairs because they are very social animals.  Two females will get along better than two males.  Only keep a male and female together if you want a litter.  If you only get one then just make sure that you spend time with them every day.  Also, get a plastic igloo for their cage.  The love them.  Wood chews are important too because their teeth are always growing.  Although I love hamsters and guinea pigs I think that you get so much more from a guinea pig.  I hope I was helpful.  You can email me with any guinea pig questions because I am an expert.  I have had guinea pigs for eight years and I even had a guinea pig who had a litter.

  2. gosh i have spent over 300 english pounds on my two piggies in the year i have owned them, by the way you shouldnt get one piggy they are very sociable and are much happier in same s*x pairs. i personally think it is worth every penny as i love them to bits

  3. Guinea pigs don't bite and they're bigger. So it's up to you

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