My 4 girl guinea pigs live in a 2-by-5 c&c cage which they moved into about a month and a half ago.
I bed them on a layer of newspaper, towels and fleece on the top.
I shake their fleece blankets out once a day which takes aboout a minute so its really good time-wise. I wash their bedding once a week.
The other day I noticed the fleece had been pulled up a bit and guinea pig poo on the towels.
I had to take out the towels and shake them off too which took an extra 10 minutes cos they were more akward to remove than the fleece.
The next couple of days was the same- having to shake off the towels aswell and it became increasingly annoying as it was really time consuming.
The next day when I went to clean out the guinea pigs, I watched them as I put them back in their cage.
Each of my four girls went to a corner of the cage and started to kind-of "dig" and pull the blankets up and then burrowed under them.
It is sooo annoying as not only does cleaning take longer, but the towels get dirtier quicker cos when the guinea pigs walk ontop of the fleece, all the poos get squashed into the towels.
I put some stones down to keep the guinea pigs from burrowing but they just keep finding more ways to get under.
They have a pigloo, a hammock, a bed and snuggle sack to go in so why do they keep trying to go under their bedding???
Does anyone else have the same problem???
Does anyone have any good solutions or ideas for this annoying problem???
Keeping in mind that I need something that wont take much time to remove or something so I can quickly shake the blankets out.