
Guinea pigs ignoring each other?

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Last night we tried to introduce our two guinea pigs for the first time. We put them down on a blanket in a neutral space and let them explore and check each other out for a while. I know that there are good and bad signs that point to if they're getting along, but what does it mean if they mainly ignore each other? Occasionally they went back and sniffed each other, but they seemed more interested in exploring the blanket and hanging out with their humans. Occasionally, one of them also seemed like she was trying to bite the other one's teeth, which is weird and I couldn't find any information online about that. Anyone have any idea what this kind of behavior means?




  1. it's a dominance thing. you have very well behaved piggies! many of them will fight or at least nip one another. After a day or two they should have it all figured out and be good friends. if they get aggressive you should supervise them, otherwise you can put some hay in their cage. Good food makes good friends. :)

  2. thats a good thing. youshould put them together more often, or maybe even try putting them in the same cage for a night. it means they like eachother, and you should let them spend more time together!

  3. They are just sniffing each other and doing the nose off battle.

    Ignoring is better than fighting:

  4. well actually depends if one is older cause the older one would try and l**k the other ones ear to clean it or they where trying to kiss lol ok but there probably acting like that cause thats there personality i got two girl guinea pigs and the older one is dominate and the younger one is like a follower and later on i got a third one that we gave back cause the older one fought with the third one because they were both dominant females cause in too rodents the bigger your butt is the more of a ruler you are im not joking i have a rodent fence and they where mad when i seperated them like this ) )}{ ( ( showing there butt to both of them

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