
Guinea pigs lovers please help!!!?

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ok so I'm getting guinea pigs but......

the localist shelter that has them doesn't have any left and said they rarely get them so...... i have t get them out in a pet store so....

i think i would go with pet-smart because in my town i feel the have good knowledge of there animals over the pet-co in my town

but my question is that what are common things that are wrong with guinea pigs at pet stores and how are the treated

also how do i choose the right one(s)

i have a 2x4 guinea pig cage (suitable for 2 guinea pig btw...)

so what should i do???




  1. do ANYTHING but buy from pet stores. usually they get them from places that are like puppy mills for guinea pigs.

    abd btw your self, your cage is too small

  2. First of all, congrats on choosing guines pigs for your new pets. They are awesome. As long as the Pet-Smart you plan to get your gp's from is clean and their animals look healthy, there shouldn't be anything wrong with their animals. But common things wrong with animals in pets stores are mites and sores caused by dirty enclosures and unhealthy living conditions. Also, colds are common, to determine if the animal has a cold, first check its eyes and nose, if they have dried debris on them, it is possible the animal might be sick. Another thing to check is the animals breathing, if it is weasing or you hear popping noises, the animal isn't healthy. And you might have early medical bills. Another thing you can do to ensure you get healthy animals is look and see if they have clean water and fresh food along with a tidy pen. Then check there body condition do you see any obvious sings of illness or mistreatment? If not then it is probably a healthy animal. I hope this helps. Good luck and have fun with your new guinea pigs.

  3. Kudos for you for trying to go to a shelter, but I would try here before petsmart:

    The problem with petsmart/petco isnt how they are treated at the store its the mill situation that they come from, so make sure to take it to the vet before the health gurantee wears off.

    Pick 2 that you like best, its good that you have a proper sized cage, they are a lot more fun when they have room to run and play with toys and such.

    Good luck with your new piggies!

  4. Please do not buy from a pet store. They still buy them from pet mills and they are usually sick and/or missexed and pregnant. It doesn't matter if the store is clean - it is what you don't see back at the pet mill and behind closed doors that is the problem.

    Have you checked

    and placement forums?

    Evem ?

  5. Ok well first of all when you get two guinea pigs get TWO FEMALES either from the SAME cage or the SAME litter. When you are getting you guinea pig make sure his nails are trimmed, his teeth are good, His eyes and nose is free of discharge, his f***s are fine, not loose or runny, his fur is well groomed with no missing fur or scabs, and make sure she is nice! Also get young ones they are easier to get to warm up to.

    Good luck =)

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