
Guinea pigs or hamsters?

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Which one do you like better and why? i have a hamster but im getting a guinea pig after christmas.




  1. i would prefer a guinea pig because they can eat  veggies,fruit,and grass.they respond to you all the time they are more fluffy.and they are big.unlike hamsters they LOVE being held alot.when they are big you can get them for $12.00 or $14.00 and if they are babys and young $39.00 but cages are $60.00 sometimes $40.00.hope this helps!!!

  2. guinea pig! they're bigger and easier to hold! and they're sooo cute!

  3. Guinea pigs are by far the best pets.

    In my experience, hamsters tend to be aggressive and antisocial.  they all have different personalities, but hamsters are more aggressive by nature.  Guinea pigs are gentle animals who can usually be tamed easily with much love and patience.What you have to understand about piggies, though, is that they are social animals!  Get two piggies, so they can keep each other company!  Just make sure that they are the same s*x or that they're fixed hehe.  

  4. Guinea Pig bigger and more sociable.

  5. guinea pigs have a bigger life span.more sociable.i little bit harder to handle though.i have a hamster and i LOVE him hes so cute how he would grab his little bits of food and chow them down.i like hamsters a little bit better.HAMSTAAAAA

  6. To answer your other question if i have ever had experience with that cage me no my friend yes and she is getting it for her MICE since there pretty much smallet then hamsters and dont need much room fir houses and stuff but that cage i gave you the pic for is a GREAT one for hamsters my friend used to have it the ball is perfect and same with the look out tower, and to answer your question guinea pigs are more expensize (cages,themselves,food,etc)  but hamsters are pretyt low-maintenence, and are there for cheaper but they can be costly depending on if you like a million tubes 1 tube or no tubes btu still i think both are super cute!


  7. GUINEA PIGS ALL THE WAY! They can communicate with you, almost never bite, aren't nocturnal unlike hamsters, and you don't have to waste your money on stuff like hamster balls (cause they could break a guinea pigs back and will most likely kill the poor thing), and any ways, what do you see at peoples homes more hamsters or guinea pigs? Many guinea pigs in shelters are killed every day because they cannot find a nice home, so ya get a guinea pig (well preferably two)

  8. hamsters cuz they're smaller and cuter

  9. Well, i prefer the guinea pigs.. They have more fur, they look cool, and they are bigger and more easily to grab them

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