
Guineapig help?

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its been raining and i went to check my guinea pig to see if she was wet (but she wasnt)but i noticed about 20 slugs around and some in her hutch i ficked them away quickly cause shes scared of them i took out my guinea i noticed one had crawled on her back gross i know so i bathed her and put her in to the brand new cat carrier (never been used) any ideas on how i can prevent them from going in the hutch and on her or shall i keep her indoors until i buy a plastic cage and throw away the hutch




  1. Why not just move her inside permanently?  That way she's safe from must insects, predators, and abrupt changes in temperature.

    Many people believe that keeping guinea pigs outdoors is fine, because it is what they've always done/seen.  I love having my pigs inside that way I get to interact with them all the time.  I get to hear the cute little noises when I open the fridge, and I get to keep a close eye on them to make sure they're not getting sick.

    Keeping guinea pigs outdoors can be dangerous, just look at the photos here:

  2. you should def. put her in

  3. well keep her in or on the porch in a nice contaner with a lot of med. sixe holes in it and clean the cage more often

  4. throw salt under the hutch,snails will die though.

  5. keep her in an inside cadge until the rain stops

  6. Guinea  pigs  are  very social to humans.  Try talk  site to learn  more.  IF  goes  back out  put  salt  around  cage,  when they crawl on it  melts  them.  He  needs  hay  also to stay healty inside or  out.  see  ,

  7. Keeping guinea pigs out doors is fine. I did for mine and they were extremely happy and vets have no problem with it. As long as you do check when it's raining to make sure they're not going to get wet at all and bring them in when it's too cold /hot out there so long as there is adequate shelter and room.

    We also had the slug problem though we didnt want to put aything down because it might affect the piggies. When it rained we just brought them in, better to be safe than sorry yeah?.

    If the pigs are in a run you could but slug repelent around the outside of it. ...or even around the base of the hutches so long as you've made sure they can't get in it or touch it (the slug repelent that is).

  8. hello i have 2 guinea pigs there indoor animals if their outdoors they can get sick and even die you need to buy or make a cage for them today you definitley dont want to keep her outside you should also take her to the vet to make sure she doesnt have worms

  9. It is really a better idea to keep them inside. Period. Yes, they can live outside, but so can that an existence for which you are prepared? For the record, it is almost never the cold that is a danger to piggies, it is heat.

    If you have to keep them outside, then I would suggest the slug repellant in a wide arc around the hutch and salt on the ground closer to the hutch.

  10. Keep her inside the house! She will get very sick outside!

  11. Omg - for a start I don't agree with keeping them out doors but if you have no other option ok.

    But you need to get some slug repellent - if any of the slug juice goes on her eyes etc she could get all name of diseases. Also if she is terrified of them then dont cause her the unecassary stress. Slug repellent - all around every edge of the cage AND some salt sprinkled on the floor around the cage.

  12. use salt around the cage, that WILL stop them
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