
Guineapigs and their babies?

by  |  earlier

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My Guineapig gave birth to eight! babies, she was huuge, but sadly i found 3 of them dead...i'm guessing they were either born dead or died soon after...

WHY!??... I'm thinking that 8 might have been too many to handle.. What are your thoughts?.




  1. Im not sure y but its really common. First time she had 5 bit 2 wer still born then 6 but 2 o them wer still born. then she onli had a litter o 2 n they wer both fine.

    Yours will b ok tho, dont worry bout the 3 that died, just concentrate on mum and the other 5!

  2. Hope they die.

  3. Yes, you're lucky most of the babies and mom survived.

    Please don't breed anymore if that's what you're doing

  4. guinea pigs .....The male and female do need to be separated as a few hours after the birth the female can become pregnant again and it is not good for her to have more than 1-2 pregnancies a year as she will be too tired. Grind up your female guineas food into small pieces because the babies start eating solid food 2-3 days after birth. Give you guineas bread with warm milk a few times a week so they can have extra food if they are not getting enough from their mum. You should separate the boys and girls from about 6 weeks, that is when they have finished weaning and it also means you will not have any problems with pregnancy as if one of the babies fall pregnant they are too young to have babies and could have serious complications with birth. You can sell the babies at about 7/6 weeks when you have separated them. Ensure that the mother and babies have clean and warm bedding but do not disturb them too much. Unless there are any complications. Your guinea will have 2-7 babies(sometimes more in your case :) ) most guineas have 4 you got DOUBLE !. . She can go in the run with her babies but make sure it is not too cold for her and them. I would not put them out for the first week though. Whether you have an indoor cage or outdoor it does not matter just make sure it isn't too cold. I you want more babies you can put the male back about 4- 5 months later to give the female a rest but I would suggest alot longer.

    hope This helps x x

  5. There are number of reasons:

    1) If there are a lot of babies, then they will probably be very small and not very strong, the babies may not survive.


    2) It could be neglect.

    3) It could just be something wrong their genes. (My guinea pig died when she was only 1 year old because her genes were not properly formed).

    Sorry for your loss! I know how you feel! :(

  6. My thoughts is because she din't have enough energy to take care of all 8 so she ate the weaker ones or killed them so she could regain back energy to take care of the of the other 5!!! Hope the 5 do great and congratulations!!! May the other 3 rest in peace!!!

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