
Guinness? Black Poo?

by Guest65923  |  earlier

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It makes my poo black.

Am I alone with this? A fearsome subject but one I feel warrants a conclusive answer.




  1. Could someone please tell me what the f- black c**p and Guiness has to do with genealogy?? LOL

  2. PMSL, happened to me a few years back after a few days holiday drinking!! totally was'nt prepared for the visit to the lil' boys room, and it reverted me back to drinking bitter.

  3. Happens to everyone.

  4. Personally I've only ever drunk two pints of the stuff, both times on a visit to Dublin and the Guinness brewery visitor centre where you get a glass of the stuff thrown in with your entry ticket.  I can't say I developed a taste for it, despite being so close to the source.

    Quite what this question has to do with genealogy is anyones guess.  Some regular poster to this board will mention it sooner or later, so it might as well be me!

  5. Hey! This site is about genealogy, not gastroeneterology.

    You should hook up with the twit who just posted a question on here about KY jelly and genitalia.

  6. I remember from my Guinness drinking days it also gives an unmistakable aroma to ones wind.

  7. Of course - its full of iron which is why doctors recommend it for pregnant women who are lacking in iron!!

  8. I dont drink the stuff, but I worked in a pub a few years ago, and I cant categorically confirm from previous, 'unpleasant' experiences that it certainly does turn p**p black.

  9. Poo watching is a well known psychiatric condition.  It has been brought about by many popular culture television programs including small lopsided women encouraging seed eating.

    You really need to stop watching it and try to focus on something more interesting such as how much paper is left on the roll.

  10. It's the iron old chap,

    Do you not recollect the old advertising slogan "Guinness is Good for You" ?

    A pint of the black stuff a day works wonders.
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