
Guitar Amp recomindations?

by  |  earlier

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I want a really awesome amp that sounds goods for playing metal, classic rock, hard rock, you name it. But i have a limit of $130.

Have any advice on one to buy or NOT to buy?




  1. Try the Line 6 III 15 or 25 watt combo amp. The 15 watt is $99.00


    May Music Studio

  2. 130$ is very strict for a good amp to buy the only good amps i have came across are alllllll vintage tube amps Fender makes great amps outstanding amps to tell you the truth ummm lets see i tried a fender frontman once and loved it maybe you could try some of those i would stay away from line 6 i used to have a bunch and just overall not very good amps. Like i said if you save up some more there will be a lot more options but with 130 you can get a decent qualirty amp it really depends on what type of music you like as well. If you like the blues id go with a fender amp right away if you like classic rock marshall is your amp if you like new age music go legacy its all your taste best advice go to your local shop and try out all the amp sbut if i were you id go with a nice small fender frontman or a small marshall hope this helps oops sorry forgot u listed what you played but i would stil go with fedner or marchal the quality is outstanding plus if you ever need it fixed it will be very easy because of the popularity of fender and marshall

  3. get an orange!

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