
Guitar Nuts/Gun Nuts: do you prefer looks or function?

by  |  earlier

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I posted a variation of this question before, but the responses were hard to believe, so I'm trying again phrased differently.

Guitar fans, you can only afford one guitar:

a. amazing guitar, plays great, sounds great, looks like a hello kitty guitar, as ugly as can be.

b. mediocre guitar, but basically looks like conservative strat. no one will ever make fun of you for playing it.

which one do you buy? (you can never trade or buy another one, or modify it)

Gun fans, same question:

a. amazing gun, great craftsmanship, but is a hello kitty gun, ugly pink.

b. mediocre gun, may even jam a little, but looks badass. no one will make fun of you carrying it.

which one do you buy ( you can never trade or buy another, or modify)




  1. The responses to the gun question were not hard to believe they were only hard for you to understand

    Ridiculous conditions are not put on constitutional guarantees what is so hard for you to understand about that

    The gun question you posed earlier only vaguely resembles the question you pose here

    Again this question only vaguely resembles the other

    Don't back pedal and claim that you are trying to limit wiggle room

    When you raise the question of prohibitions you are in fact discussing constitutional law

    If you don't have that basic level of education on the matter it is no wonder that you cannot understand the answers

    The questions are little more than a weak attempt to show that gun owners are more concerned with looking cool than  actually exercising their rights

    But you are correct this question is way more ridiculous that the completely ridiculous first question

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