
Guitar help is it the amp?

by  |  earlier

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Hi and thanks to anyone who answers. If you don't know anything about guitars or rather you haven't been playing for a good amount of time (electric) then please do not answer this question.

I have been playing guitar for a little under a year now. Actually I broke my arm last year and couldn't play for a little under three months so it's more like half a year of playing. I started with playing acoustic and in late July (I believe it was somewhere between July 20th and 30th) I got my first electric guitar. I did my homework talking to people reading reviews, I actually went in to a few shops and tried out different guitars. The guitar I settled on is the Epiphone sg g-310 the black version. I like it, it looks amazing and it does what I need it to do, however I have a problem with it.

The problem isn't the guitar itself, or at least I don't think it's the guitar, but rather the sound it is producing through my amp. When I talked to other guitarists (mostly friends, some online, my teacher is strictly acoustic so didn't talk much with her about it) I was told basically to really try playing what you liked, pick one up that is appealing to you and play around with it, then pick up another and play with it, and ask around the shops and online about one that you like. I did that and couldn't be happier about my pick because I love it.

When I say that I don't like the sound it's producing I'm not saying something like it buzzes or something through the amp because it doesn't. Just for you to know I bought new strings when I got it and changed them out shortly after plugging it in (changing to the non-factory strings made a huge difference but I knew that before I bought it) anyway It sounds cool and It plays well from what my friends have told me but it also sounds kind of funky to me when I'm trying to play a faster song and also lower down the neck for the high notes sounds off.

A friend of mine told me it might be the amp but he's been busy and hasn't had the time, and won't have the time to come over and mess with it. The amp that I am using is the fender frontman 10g. It's a ten watt amp and puts out a good amount of sound but I don't think it sounds that much different.

so do you think buying a more expensive amp will help any and if so would you like to recommend one to me that you like. (I play everything from classical on my acoustic to metal)

I just want my experience to sound better.

and if you recommend an amp could you keep it under 400 bucks





  1. Hit up a Guitar Center or similar music store and check out pedals. I recommend BOSS pedals. Find something that produces a sound that your looking for. I would stay with the amp for now and go that route. Good luck  

  2. first try buying a new cord the factory ones are c**p if that doesent help then take it to a guitar shop and have them look at it

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