
Guitar hero world tour question!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, when guitar hero world tour comes out, i might not have enough money to get the full set right away, so i might just get the guitar kit first. and than buy just the drum set later, but i m wondering if i can just buy the drum set alone cause on the internet i couldnt see any drum set individual price, does any one know if i'd be able to buy just the drum set, and how much will it cost? thx




  1. Guitar Hero World Tour is coming out in mid-October (I found a date earlier, but now I can't find it..I think it was the 20-something). You can't buy the drum set indivdually. You have to either buy the game by itself, the game with the guitar, or the full band set. I was looking at prices and it was about $170-$180 for the full band set, $80-$90 for the guitar set, and about $40-$60 for the game itself. If you need an exact price, i've included a link below for pre-ordering Guitar Hero World Tour from Gamestop (I presume these prices will be the same when it come out.) Hope this helps!

  2. you can buy the drum set individually, just like rock band and its gonna cost around 70 dollars or so.

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