
Guitar problem for rock band for the WII?

by  |  earlier

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does any body have any idea on how to fix the guitar for rock band for the wii. The green button does not work during game play and the red button does not work to back out of things before game play.




  1. I get frustrated playing Rock Band.

  2. that happened to me. what i did was i left the guitar alone for like 2 days. when i went back to see if it worked, it did. if that doesnt work, go to the store and talk to them about getting a replacement. they have a lot of glitches, just like the wii

  3. there was always a problem with the rock band guitars ever since the word "Fender" was printed on the headstock

  4. get a new one.  

  5. take it to the store and get a replacement

  6. simple, go get a new one

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